Announcements for Sunday Feb. 13 2022
INSIDE: Last day for intent card $10K challenge is THIS SUNDAY, Feb. 13; Congregational Meeting Scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 27 at 11:45am
Last Day for $10K Intent Card Challenge: THIS SUNDAY! To encourage more members at First to complete an intent card, our sister in Christ, JoAnn Wittchow, has graciously agreed to provide a Challenge Gift of $10,000 when the Stewardship Team receives 150 intent cards. Let’s meet the challenge together! Turn in your intent now, or by Sunday, Feb. 13. Intent cards are available in the pews and have also been mailed to households; they can be turned in by mail, dropping them off in the offering plate or in the office, or online at
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Feb. 13:
8am: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Feb. 16:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
COVID-19 Update
Pastors and our COVID Advisory Panel gather to evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:
Worship: online & in-person wearing masks and social distancing
Small groups: online & in-person; precautions determined by entire group
Precautions for In-Person Worship
Worship services are offered in-person, indoors at all services. Currently we are asking, for the safety of ALL members, that everyone wear a mask during worship and social distance. Registration is currently not required for most services. For a full description of current precautions, visit
Fourth Grade Faith Building Block: Apostles’ Creed
Sundays, Feb. 13 & 27: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Mar. 6: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. This session lasts for one week, and afterwards, the Faith Building Block will be lifted up in worship in celebration of what the students have learned.
Sugar Creek Winter Fun Days!
Sledding, tubing, broom ball, snow shoeing, cross country skiing and all sorts of outdoor winter fun just waiting for you to enjoy on Sunday, Feb. 13. Equipment provided. Gather around the fireplace for chili and a hot dog lunch served between 1-3 pm. Hot chocolate with marshmallows and coffee to warm you up too! Call 608.734.3113 or email to let us know you will be going! Cost: $10/person, children under 4 free; includes all activities and meal.
OWLs Events
The OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First, for anyone 55+) will kick off February with a fabulous potluck on Wednesday, Feb. 16, in the narthex. Then on Friday, Feb. 25, the OWLs fly to UWL to enjoy the Big Band Cabaret performed by the UWL Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble. Meet at the church at 4:30pm to car pool to a local restaurant for dinner before the concert. COST: ~$20; dinner on your own. RSVP ASAP to Brian at / 630.816.5917.
Community Conversations: Hope Restores
Hope Restores will speak on The Power is Yours: “You are already approved to go out and make change. Stop waiting for someone to come along and qualify you; the power is already yours!” We know that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done in this journey of equality. Everyone has an important and unique part to play on this journey, no one is absolved of their responsibility and you're the only person that can do your part. This event will be live streamed only, at, at noon on Feb. 16.
Gundersen Classes for those with Diabetes and Chronic Pain
Two virtual classes being offered by Gundersen Health System. Healthy Living with Diabetes: starts Feb. 16, runs 6 weeks, from 9-11:30am. Healthy Living with Chronic Pain: starts March 30, runs 6 weeks, from 12-2:30pm. Cost: $30. To register call Vicky Jessen, Office of Population Health, Gundersen, (608) 775-6870.
Sugar Creek Events
Feb. 17-20: Craft Retreat
Feb. 25-27: High School Youth Retreat
To register for the above events, contact the camp at 608.734.3113 /
Drawing from the Well
This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another, meeting this month from 9:30–11am, in the narthex, on Saturday, Feb. 19. Contact Bridget Crave for more info:
Congregational Meeting
The attendance of all members is requested at this congregational meeting on Sunday, Feb. 27 at 11:45am, to approve the 2022 budget, elect Vision and Leadership members and finish other business that could not be done at the Feb. 6 annual meeting.
Volunteer Appreciation Party
Rescheduled to Sunday, Feb. 27, and coinciding with the congregational meeting. A warm thank you! Why? To thank everyone for being Christ’s hands and feet! RSVP at
Ash Wednesday Worship, Mar. 2
Join us for worship on Ash Wednesday as we begin the season of Lent.
11:30am light lunch
12:15pm in-person worship
6:15pm in-person worship and live stream
All services will include the imposition of ashes.
La Crosse Area World Day of Prayer 2022
World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer and action each year on the first Friday in March. Each year a different country serves as the writer of the worship service, interpreting the Bible in their own context, and lifting up issues of mission, justice and peace. This year the service is based on Jeremiah 29:1-14 and was written by the women of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The La Crosse area will celebrate World Day of Prayer 2022 at West Salem Presbyterian Church on Friday, Mar. 4, at 9am. There will be a fellowship gathering at the church, followed by a prayer service, led by women from various churches in the area, at 10am. All are welcome! For more info contact: 608-786-0910 or
“Courage Conversations” via Waking Up White Synod Read during Lent
Sundays: March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3, 6–7pm, via Zoom. Did you miss First’s study of Waking Up White, or want to revisit it? The Waking Up White synod read invites you to engage in conversations about the dynamics of race in your own life, congregations and community. Members of the Synod Church and Society Committee will lead these Zoom-based conversations on Sunday evenings during Lent. There is no fee to participate. Register by e-mail ( or by calling the synod office (608.788.5000). More info:
Preschool Open House
Join us for our open house on Thursday, Mar. 17 from 4:30-5:30pm. Come meet the teachers, see the classrooms, get class options and registration info for the 2022-2023 school year. We accept children ages 2 and up who are potty trained. Registration is Monday, Mar. 21, from 9:30am–noon for church members, and 10:30am–noon for the community. To register stop into the First Lutheran Preschool during the registration times above, or call the preschool at 608.779.4504.
Mabel Anderson Scholarship
The Mabel Anderson scholarship application is now available online at Completed applications are due on Friday, April 1. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. The application includes writing an essay and completing a worksheet that reflects the student’s involvement in church activities.
Community Supported Agriculture
First Lutheran has, once again, offered to be a pick-up site for CSA boxes of produce from Small Family Farm in La Farge. Though deliveries won’t start until June, you can buy a share now. For info about products, prices and schedules, go to Prices typically increase April 1.
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Apr. 2, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Mar. 27. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Upcoming Sugar Creek Bus Trips
April 6: Fireside Dinner Theater, "Sound of Music"
May 7-10: Holland Michigan Tulip Festival
Aug 26-Sept 1: Ark Encounter and Nashville
November 16: Fireside Dinner Theater, "White Christmas"
Sign up early! Spots fill quickly. Call for info: 608.734.3113.
Sugar Creek Summer Reg Now Open!
Summer camp registration at Sugar Creek is open and campers are signing up! Our new program, Art Camp, promises to help campers grow in their creative gifts and encourage them in sharing the joy of expression through guitar, dance, painting, photography, wood-crafts or writing. We can’t wait to celebrate each of their unique talents with them. We are also pleased to bring back our popular new programs from 2021: Elevated, Night Camp and Rangers. Spots for these programs are filling up quickly, so make sure you don’t miss out. Do you know about our early registration giveaway! Every camper who registers by March 21 will receive a $50 clothing store/snack shop credit. Reg and more info online:
Happy Birthday!!
If you have received a birthday postcard from First in the last several months and still have it, bring it into church Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm and pick up a small gift.
New Members
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are typically invited to a social at Red Pines where you would get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. When gathering in such a way is safe, we will celebrate our new members in this way. For now, please let us know if you are interested in membership. One of our pastors will connect with you to find out how we may best be church together in the months and years to come. Call our office for more information at 608.783.2236 or email
We are seeking people of all ages who would be willing to be our readers each week. This would mean doing a video of yourself or family reading the assigned text and then uploading it to a google folder. If you are willing to do this, email Pastor Karyn:
Scrip Cards Are Still Available
Scrip cards are still available from the church office. We have Kwik Trip, Woodman's, Target and Festival cards. To find out what's currently available and when you can buy them, call the church office at 608.783.2236 or send email to
Sunday School
Sunday, Feb. 13
9:15am Gr 4 FBB: Apostle's Creed (1st meeting, parents/guardians with child) - FH
9:15am Sunday School
Sunday, Feb. 20
9:15am Sunday School
Questions regarding Sunday School? Visit
Sunday, Feb. 13:
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm
Wednesday, Feb. 16:
6:15pm Confirmation Class - Fireside Rm
7pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
Questions regarding confirmation? Visit