Message from Pastor Stanton for Aug. 2021
The image that keeps coming to mind as First Lutheran returns to in-person worship, offers in-person Vacation Bible School (August 1-5!), gathers for in-person OWLs potlucks and prepares for in-person confirmation and Sunday School in just a few weeks is… a lawn mower. Have you ever tried to start an old lawn mower after a long cold winter? That first pull can feel like trying to pull a sword from a stone. The second pull may be no better. By the 10th pull, I wonder whether this thing is ever going to fire up!
Within this newsletter is a detailed list of programming meant to connect Christian people through worship, fellowship, service and learning opportunities. August is that month when First Lutheran replaces our spark plugs, sharpens the blades and fills up on fuel so that once the program year starts at First Fest, we fire up for the sake of the world.
“Is worship something you consume or something you express? Is Christian education simply for your own enlightenment or does it make your heart bigger for the sake of the world? ”
I’m excited about a year when our kids can return to conversations about grace, known through Scripture stories. We’re able to offer a birth-to-three class for our littlest ones and their parents. Faith Alive! U courses can gather our adults again. A monthly parents’ night out will become a gift to not only our own members but their friends. In 2021, First will add some things we’ve never done, get back to some of our foundational ministries and continue with some of the things we added over COVID-time, namely daily morning musings, live-streamed worship and online Bible study.
Programming at First Lutheran continues to NOT simply be a consumable product. Our kids rely on parent/grandparent types to share their faith stories. Our adults are expected to sing in worship, prepare for Bible studies and come to Faith Alive! U courses with questions so there will be conversation. Yes, First Lutheran is a ‘program’ sized church. The worst version of our size congregation is when members believe spirituality is something to consume and that their church exists for themselves. The best version is when our programs become an outlet for spirituality.
Is worship something you consume or something you express? Is Christian education simply for your own enlightenment or does it make your heart bigger for the sake of the world? Does Christian fellowship simply fill your own bucket or is it a way to fill everyone’s with grace-filled love?
As we try to start this cold engine together this fall, I know at times it might feel like it’s a hard pull. But I also know God remains in our midst, ready to keep Faith Alive!