First Lutheran Church

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Message from Pastor Stanton for Apr. 2021

Below are the comments I made Mar. 14 as worship began indoors, in-person for the first time in a year. A number of people asked if I’d share them in print. Thank God for the newsletter!

March 14, 2021:

52 Sundays ago, exactly a year ago tomorrow, we were among the first church families in the area to cancel worship in response to COVID-19. It was a difficult decision.

Each and every week since then has presented information, data and opinions that have continued to make our weekly decision to worship safely at home difficult.

Being Church is difficult in normal times! It’s not the same as being a business. It’s not the same as being a school. The Church does not exist to make a profit. And we serve all ages and stages of life. The church exists to give glory to God.

Now, being Lutheran, when you hear that… you should ask, “What does that mean?” What does it mean to “give glory to God?”

Of course, each congregation answers that question for itself. There is no ONE answer. Thanks be to God! There are many ways to “give glory to God.” In 2020, since March 15, we have answered that question by BEING the Church… while remaining away from our church building. And it has been difficult.

Today our family of faith continues to answer the question, “How shall we give glory to God”… but with a different answer. Our COVID Advisory Panel recommended to the Vision & Leadership Team that we begin offering worship in three ways: continue providing a livestream option, offer outdoor worship services for in person worship whenever we can… and offer indoor, in-person worship.

Why? There are three things that have made this possible: 1) Community spread is decreasing. 2) vaccinations are increasing and 3) the congregation is willing to take the necessary precautions to be safe in person.

I’ve already heard from a couple siblings in this family of faith that they won’t be here until we drop some of these restrictions and precautions, because they are too much. I’ve also heard from a couple siblings who have told me we are being careless to gather again in person. Like I said, being a church is difficult.

BUT, despite the ongoing challenges of this moment, we are going to remain First Lutheran together. Whether we are here, home, in our cars, or on 5th Ave., we will keep Faith Alive! at First Lutheran. And we will offer each other grace for decisions we each make. Because we are One in the Spirit. We are One in the Lord. And if any of us ever thought that was just something we say… this moment is proving the truth of that claim.

Thank you for being One in the Spirit with me… and with your church.”

Gathering again in person, indoors has been great because it’s been so fun to see people while also being awful because not everyone can come. It admits how different a place many of us are at as compared to others. Maybe you are immuno-compromised, unvaccinated or have another reason for not feeling safe at worship, while others have decided to return. For a pastor who celebrates the unity we experience through Christian community, this part is hard.

And that’s why I keep returning to that song, “We are One in the Spirit. We are One in the Lord.” That means that even now, amidst our scattered siblings who are worshipping in three different ways, even now we are One. I pray that encourages us all.