Announcements for Sunday, Dec. 5 2021
INSIDE: Christmas Eve Reservations Open Dec. 5, Stephen Ministry Info Meeting, Faith Alive! U: Jail Ministry
Stephen Ministers are specially trained people, who LISTEN to people as they make their way through times of crisis. Stephen Ministers are companions along the way who, with God's help, assist people in finding a way forward. If you want to know more about Stephen Ministry or how to become a Stephen Minister, join us at an informational meeting THIS Sunday, Dec. 5, at 9:30am, in room 207. A new class to train Stephen Ministers will begin in January.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Dec. 5:
8am: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Dec. 8:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
COVID-19 Update
Pastors and our COVID Advisory Panel gather to evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:
Worship: online & in-person wearing masks
Small groups: online & in-person; precautions determined by entire group
Precautions for In-Person Worship
Worship services are offered in-person, indoors at both services. Currently we are asking, for the safety of ALL members, that everyone wear a mask during worship. Registration and social distancing are currently not required. For a full description of current precautions, visit
Christmas Worship Times & Reservations
Christmas Eve worship times will be at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 11pm on Friday, Dec. 24. All will be candlelight and all will be with Holy Communion. The 2pm service will be live streamed at Christmas Day worship will be at 10am on Saturday, Dec. 25, with Holy Communion. COVID precautions for Christmas services:
All Christmas services will be offered in-person, indoors (not in a parking lot!!!)
For the safety of ALL members, we ask everyone to wear a mask during worship.
In order to limit crowd size during Christmas Eve services, reservations are required. Sign-up will be available on our website starting Sunday, Dec. 5.
For a full description of current precautions, visit
Faith Alive! U: La Crosse Jail Ministry
Join us on Sunday, Dec. 5, at noon, for a Faith Alive! U course about La Crosse’s jail ministry, presented by Chaplain Ann. Complimentary lunch provided prior to presentation, following second service. This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults. Childcare will be available in the nursery for kids not yet in grade school.
Christmas Events Insert
Click here to download/print our Christmas Events Insert that was included in the November newsletter, providing a schedule of upcoming events that surround the Christmas season at First Lutheran.
Benefit Christmas Concert for A Place of Grace
A Christmas concert to benefit A Place of Grace will be held Sunday, Dec. 5, at 2pm in the San Damiano Chapel, 900 Viterbo Dr, La Crosse on the Viterbo campus. Music will be provided by Prairie Smoke with special guests Fr. Conrad Targonski, OFM, and Polly Pappadopoulos, with comments from Tom Thibodeau. Cash and non-perishable food donations are welcome. Due to COVID, masks are required for the concert.
The choir is starting a new “festival” rehearsal schedule. The next performance will be for Christmas Eve services, and rehearsals start on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 7pm in the sanctuary. The Senior Choir is open to all people ages 12 and up. There is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! Full schedule and sign up at For more info contact Todd Saner at
ELCA Good Gifts
Wondering how to make a positive impact in the world right now? At you can choose from 50 charitable gifts to give in honor of friends and loved ones. Each one of these gifts makes a real impact in the world, sharing the love of Christ — one goat, water well or school uniform at a time. Start your holiday shopping now and order free, customized cards for each gift you give. Give by Dec. 10 to ensure that your cards arrive in time for Christmas.
The Christmas Giving Tree
If you took a tag or two from the Christmas Giving Tree, make certain the tags are attached to the outside of the gifts when you return them to church. If you purchased gift cards, please wrap them in a box.. All gifts should be turned in to First Lutheran by Sunday, Dec. 12. Questions? Email
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food, and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 60-80 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it, and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. Our next date is Dec. 13. You can sign up at, or contact
Sunday School Christmas Program & Worship
It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to share their Christmas joy! Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 6:15pm worship.
OWLs Fly to String Ties Christmas Show
The Pump House just announced that one of our favorite local bands, The String Ties, is having a Christmas show. String Ties is an eclectic band of musicians who bring a wealth of experience, creativity and tradition to the local music scene, and will provide a great night of entertainment. Show is Thursday, Dec. 16, starting with dinner at Piggy's at 5pm. Christmas shows are selling out fast, so RSVP to Brian ASAP for tix: / 630.816.5917. Cost of show: $27 +tax/fees. Dinner is on your own. Pump House COVID guidelines: ticket holders must show proof of full vaccination against COVID or a negative PCR COVID test within 72 hours of a performance.
Parents’ Winter Night Out
Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ fundraiser! WHERE: at First Lutheran, NEXT: Friday, Dec. 17, FOR: Birth–12 are welcome (Birth–3 will be in the nursery, ages 4 and up in Fellowship Hall)
Registration from 4:45pm-5:30pm
Followed by dinner and activities (cookie decorating!) till 8:30pm (parents can pick up early if needed)
COST: Donations will assist the middle and high school students with 2022 Sugar Creek Bible camp, mission trip and ELCA Youth Gathering.
Blue Christmas
Tuesday, December 21, 5pm. Please join us at First Lutheran for an hour of worship including music, prayers, candlelight and reflection on what God is up to amidst our blue feelings around Christmas. The service will include time for a light meal and conversation.
Double Your Gift To Lutheran World Relief
From now until Christmas Day, any gift you make will go twice as far as part of Lutheran World Relief’s 2021 Christmas Matching Gift Challenge until the $215,000 match is met. That means we have an opportunity to raise an impressive $430,000 to provide lifesaving resources and care to our neighbors most in need.
Office Closures
The office will be closed at the following times in the coming months…
Closing at noon on Friday, Dec. 24
Closed all day, Monday, Dec. 27 (Christmas observed)
Closing at noon on Friday, Jan. 31
Closed all day, Monday, Jan. 3 (New Years observed)
Icicle Toes Project
Through Dec. 25. Warm socks for folks who need them! Socks will be collected for donation to New Horizons Shelter and the Warming Center. Socks for children (of all ages), women and men can be put under the tree, unwrapped, by Christmas.
Help Ona Food Basket at Rotary Lights
First Lutheran members have been invited by the Onalaska Regional Food Basket to sign up for "Rotary Lights 2021." They are looking for volunteers to help collect food at Riverside Park. Sign up to help this local food ministry at
Dec. 26, the First Sunday After Christmas
Did you know Christmas isn’t just one day in the church, but a season? Christmas worship continues on Sunday, Dec. 26. There will be only one service that Sunday, however, at 9:30am. Join us as we continue to sing many favorite Christmas hymns!
Meal Train for Lofald Family
Members of First Lutheran have started a Meal Train page for the Lofald family. Help the Lofalds by giving them one less thing to think about, and sign up for a date to make a meal at
Helping Our Afghan Neighbors
Siblings in Christ, a possible opportunity is arising for us to participate in making La Crosse home for some of our Afghan neighbors. This project is in its infancy, but Bishop Malpica is looking for interest from individuals, congregations, and businesses. If you would be willing to help our new neighbors to find a home, a job, a school, the grocery store, and in general help families get established please let the synod know. Thank you for your consideration and being willing to share God's love with those who are in most need. To show interest, fill out the form at
YAGM’s are Back for 2022
ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) will be back in the world, in 9 foreign countries in 2022-23! YAGMs are young adults aged 21–29 and this is the time to reach out to new candidates. Application deadline: Feb.1, 2022 (priority deadline Jan. 15.) Learn more at
Warming Center
The La Crosse Warming Center is open through April 30. Individuals who are living in homelessness can sleep, shower, do laundry and get a meal at the Warming Center. As was done last year, the first two Fridays of each month are "Lutheran Night." A number of local ELCA churches are working together to staff those two Friday nights and provide food for dinner. Orientation and training is provided. More details at Questions? Contact
Sunday School
Sunday, Dec. 5
9:15am Sunday School Christmas Program Practice
Sunday, Dec. 12
9:15am Sunday School Christmas Program Practice
Questions regarding Sunday School? Visit
Sunday, Dec. 5:
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm
Wednesday, Dec. 8:
6:15pm Confirmation Class - Fireside Rm
7:00pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
Questions regarding confirmation? Visit