Announcements for Sunday, Oct. 3 2021
INSIDE: Faith Alive! U: Homelessness and Value of Core Values
As we create a new normal, many people are thinking about what they want that new normal to look like. Knowing the things that we value most and how to use these core values to make decisions helps us create a life for ourselves that makes sense and feels good. Join Pastor Karyn for a four week class on Monday evenings in October, to explore how we can discover and use our core values to create a life worth living. NEXT: Monday, Oct. 4, 7pm. Register online at
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Oct. 3:
8am: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks. Nursery available.
10:30am: outdoor worship, in-person. Current forecast for Sunday morning: Overcast and 63º. If rain threatens, worship will move indoors.
Wednesday, Oct. 6:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks
COVID-19 Update
Pastors and our COVID Advisory Panel gather to evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:
Worship: online & in-person wearing masks
Small groups: online & in-person; precautions determined by entire group
Precautions for In-Person Worship
Worship services are offered in-person, indoors at both services. Currently we are asking, for the safety of ALL members, that everyone wear a mask during worship. Outdoor worship will be offered occasionally (about once a month) during the 10:30am service, and if weather permits. Registration and social distancing are currently not required. For a full description of current precautions, visit
Outdoor Worship
Outdoor worship for this Sunday, Oct. 3, has been moved indoors due to the forecast for rain on Sunday morning.
Sunday School
Sunday, October 3
9:15am Gr 3 FBB: Bibles (2nd meeting, parents/guardians & child) - FH
9:15am Sunday School
Questions regarding Sunday School? Visit
Grade 3 Faith Alive Building Block: The Bible
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they have learned.
Sundays, Oct. 3: parents/guardians with children
Sundays, Oct.. 10: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Oct.. 17: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Sunday, October 3:
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - FS
Noon: Faith Alive! U: Homelessness and the Warming Center
Wednesday, October 6:
6:15pm Confirmation Class: Creation - FS
7:00pm Gr 10 Confirmation
7:00pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
Sunday Morning (with Coffee?)
This small group will be starting up again, starting THIS Sunday, Oct. 3 at 9:15am, and will meet each Sunday during the education hour, in the Thomas Room. Viewing short videos and discussing with others. Join in every week, or whenever you can. All are welcome!
Faith Alive! U: Homelessness and the Warming Center
On Sunday, Oct. 3 at noon, Toni Van Kirk from the Warming Center will be with us to talk about homelessness and the role the Warming Center plays in supporting people experiencing homelessness in the winter in La Crosse. Come and learn how you can support these neighbors. This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults.
The choir is starting a new “festival” rehearsal schedule. The next performance will be for the 150th Celebration on Sunday, Oct. 31, and rehearsals start up fresh on Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 7pm in the sanctuary. The Senior Choir is open to all people ages 12 and up. There is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! Full schedule and sign up at For more info contact Todd Saner at
Coffee with Pastor Karyn
Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday in the narthex. See you there! Questions? Contact
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team meets on the first Thursday of every month. Next meeting: Oct. 7, 9:30am. Various jobs: outside raking, trimming bushes, sweeping, cleaning, pulling weeds. Help make First Lutheran look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Questions? Text/call Dave at 608.780.0135.
Farewell for Pastor Libby Howe
Evening of Thursday, Oct. 7, 6:30pm here at First Lutheran. This will be an evening to share our appreciation for Pr. Libby and all the ministry she has done in our synod over the past 13+ years and to wish her the very best in her next call. There will be worship, a program and time of fellowship.
Drawing from the Well
This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another, meeting on the second Saturday of the month, 9:30–11am, in the narthex, with the next one on Saturday, Oct. 9. Contact Bridget Crave for more info:
Waking Up White Regional Read, Presentations & Discussions
The Waking Up White Regional Read invites the community to read Waking Up White, attend public presentations, and engage in book chat conversations about ways to create a more welcoming and inclusive multicultural community. Having finished Waking Up White is not a prerequisite for attending the presentations and discussions. More info and reg at
Upcoming presentations (most will also be live streamed):
Dr. Bee Lo & Lynette Prieur Lo: "Waking Up White - Through The Eyes Of An Interracial Couple," Saturday, Oct. 9, 4pm, via Zoom.
Upcoming discussions (in-person, with precautions):
Thursday, Oct. 7 at 12 pm. "Employment Opportunity Discrimination" US Bank Building 10th Floor, La Crosse Register
Saturday, Oct. 9 at 2 pm. "An Ilustration of How Racism Shows Itself in Schools" Western Technical College Lunda Center Register
Coulee Region Hunger Walk
The Coulee Region Hunger Walk/Run/Bike is a nonprofit dedicated to raise funds, raise awareness and end hunger among our neighbors. This year's event will be Oct. 10, starting at 1:30pm at Myrick Park. A fun day is planned so come early, play some yard games, and get lunch from a food truck. Then walk, run or bike with family and friends. We hope that First Lutheran will have at least 70 walkers. If you prefer, you can participate virtually, just remember to register online. This is a fund raiser with 30% going to the Hunger Task Force, 30% to Wafer, and 40% to your preferred food nonprofit. You are encouraged to get sponsors, or form a team for some friendly competition. Register at or in person the day of the event.
Free Series For Caregivers
The Franciscan Spirituality Center and the Aging and Disability Resource Center have collaborated on a new series designed to support caregivers. “Refresh and Renew: A Caregiver Series” will meet in person, once a month, initially at the FSC’s temporary space at River Crossing Square, 500 Second St. S., Suite 201, and later this fall at 920 Market St. Sessions are free, but registration is required at or 608.791.5295. Participants may attend any or all of the sessions in the series…
“Restorative Yoga,” Oct. 13, with Bernice Olson-Pollack.
“Creating Moments of Joy,” Nov. 10, with Rose Elsbernd, FSPA.
“A Singing Bowls Experience,” Dec. 8, with Tom Roberts.
“Art as Prayer,” Jan. 12, with Mary Thompson.
“Coffee and Conversation,” Feb. 9, with Steve Spilde.
“Walking the Labyrinth,” March 9, with Jean Pagliaro.
Winter Clothing Drive
Many of the people being released from the jail don’t have warm clothes to wear, and the La Crosse jail ministry would like to provide them with just this very thing. We see this as especially important for those who are being released to homelessness.
We are in need of clean and gently used men’s coats, boots, shoes, sweat pants and T-shirts. We are going to have a clothing drive this October at Onalaska United Methodist Church at 212 4th Ave N. Drop your donations off on these nights from 5–6pm:
Wednesday, October 13
Wednesday, October 20
Wednesday, October 27
New Members
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are typically invited to a social at Red Pines where you would get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. When gathering in such a way is safe, we will celebrate our new members in this way. For now, please let us know if you are interested in membership. One of our pastors will connect with you to find out how we may best be church together in the months and years to come. Call our office for more information at 608.783.2236 or email
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food, and cleaning up for three Mondays starting in August. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 60-80 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead and freeze it, and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. Our dates are Oct. 18 and Dec. 13. You can sign up at, or contact
Celebrating 150 Years!
Saturday, Oct. 30 • History Day
10am–3pm: Celebrating the history of First Lutheran with history videos, food from various ethnic groups, worship services throughout the decades, and a history walk.
3–5pm: The celebration continues in the parking lot with games, food, trunk-or-treating, and historic costumes!
Sunday, Oct. 31 • Reformation Sunday
8–10:30am Join us for a special worship service on Reformation Sunday to hear a message from Bishop Malpica, our new bishop in the La Crosse Area Synod, with a special celebration between services!
Clothes Closet Needs Teen Volunteers
First Teen Clothes Closet is looking for high school aged volunteers to help out for about 4 hours a month. Volunteers would look at donations to ensure they appeal to teens, and put together outfits for displaying throughout the clothes closet. You can set your own schedule, and volunteer with a friend or two. This is a great opportunity for high schoolers and confirmation students looking for volunteer opportunities. If you are interested, email
Clothes Closet Needs
Hello First Lutheran congregation: We are grateful for the many ways you’ve supported First Teen Clothes Closet! Items we are getting low on are guys jeans (especially large and x-large sizes), rings, earrings, necklaces, and wallets. Looking good is important to teens! Please carefully consider whether your items are gently used (or new), “in style” for teens, and recently laundered (please no cat or dog hair, stains, deodorant marks). Our clothing donation drop off area is on the right as you enter First Lutheran Church. Thank you so very much!
2022 ELCA Youth Gathering
The ELCA Youth Gathering is less than a year away! July 24–28, 2022… in our very own backyard of Minneapolis! The gathering is open to all youth entering grades 9–12 in the fall of 2022, plus 2022 graduates. Early bird registration due by Nov. 21, 2021! More info:
Keep Up with Changes: Update Your Contact Info
Make sure the office has your current contact info, including current address, mobile number(s), carrier info (for reminders by text), and email(s). Send to