Announcements for Sunday, Sept. 12 2021
INSIDE: First Fest, Confirmation Orientation for Gr 6 & 7, First Lutheran Play Days
On Sunday, Sept. 12, we invite you to join us for worship outdoors at 9:30am, and then First Fest at 10:30am to relax, catch up with friends, introduce yourself to visitors or members you’ve yet to meet, listen to great music, have lunch and have some fun!
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Sept. 12:
9:30am: outdoor worship, AND live stream at (we’ll do our best to live stream this outdoor service). Current forecast for Sunday morning: Partly cloudy and 68º. If rain threatens, worship will move indoors.
Wednesday, Sept. 15:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person wearing masks
COVID-19 Update
Pastors and our COVID Advisory Panel gather to evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:
Worship: online & in-person wearing masks
Small groups: online & in-person; precautions determined by entire group
Precautions for In-Person Worship
Worship services are offered in-person, indoors at both services. Currently we are asking, for the safety of ALL members, that everyone wear a mask during worship. Outdoor worship will be offered occasionally (about once a month) during the 10am service, and if weather permits. Registration and social distancing are currently not required. For a full description of current precautions, visit
Changes in Worship Times
With summer drawing to a close, worship times will be changing once again, and will be as follows…
Sunday, Sept. 12
9:30am, one service outdoors (weather permitting) for First Fest Sunday
Sunday, Sept. 19
8am & 10:30am, indoors and in-person
10:30am outdoor worship at Sugar Creek, part of Play Days @ Sugar Creek
Sunday, Sept. 26
8am & 10:30am, indoors and in-person, which will be the worship times through May 2022
Confirmation Orientation
Grade 6 & 7: Sun., Sept. 12, 10:45am, in Fellowship Hall
Questions about confirmation for 2021-22? Checkout our confirmation page at and/or contact Pastor Stanton at
Waking Up White Regional Read, Presentations & Discussions
The Waking Up White Regional Read invites the community to read Waking Up White, attend public presentations, and engage in book chat conversations about ways to create a more welcoming and inclusive multicultural community. Having finished Waking Up White is not a prerequisite for attending the presentations and discussions. More info and reg at
Upcoming presentations (most will also be live streamed):
Amanda Florence Goodenough Of Social Responsibility Speaks: “Racial Healing Across Segregated Places and Midwest Nice Faces.“ THIS Sunday, Sept. 12, 1pm, Weber Center for the Performing Arts, 428 Front St. S., La Crosse
Tashyra Bernard & Shamawyah Curtis of Hope Restores: ”The Power Is Yours.” Saturday, September 18, 1:30pm, English Lutheran Church, 1509 King St., La Crosse.
Upcoming discussions (in-person, with precautions):
Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 6:30pm. "Listening While White" Community Connections Center, La Crosse Register
Thursday, Sept. 16 at 12pm. "How to Embrace Critical Feedback on Racism" La Crosse Public Library, Main St. Register
Saturday, Sept. 18 at 10am. "The Myth of Reverse Racism" Community Connections Center, La Crosse Register
Saturday, Sept. 18 at 2pm. "Why Being 'Color-Blind' is not a Good Approach" Viroqua Library Register
Are you open to trying something new? Join the fun—ring bells! This group performs once a month. We welcome widely varied musical backgrounds. No experience necessary! We’ll begin with the basics and learn to work together. Musical ability is a skill that can be taught. Do you want to be involved? We rehearse Tuesdays at 5pm in the sacristy, starting Sept. 14. For more info, contact Jim Knutson at Ring ‘dem bells!
The September potluck will be at the Narveson’s house on Wednesday, Sept. 15 at noon. The weather forecast is good, so we will be meeting on our large deck. Also meeting outdoors makes its safer. Masks when not eating are recommended, but not mandatory. There will probably be people in attendance not wearing masks. For a program we will play some games, both at the tables and in the yard. Anyone want to try their hand at KUBE again? So we know how many tables to set up, please let us know if you are planning on attending via email (, text 630-816-5917 or call and leave a voice mail. If you need to make a last minute decision or forget to call, just come on out. The address is W7572 Price Court in Holmen. You can easily find the home on Google Maps. If you need direction or a map feel free to call or email.
Knitters Resume Meeting at Church
First Lutheran's knitters will resume meeting at the church on Wednesday nights in the Narthex, at 5pm.
Grief Support Group
The Grief Support Group meets at First on the third Thursday of the month. NEXT: Sept. 16 at 10am. The group offers support and information to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Questions? Call the church office (608.783.2236), Katie Smith-Ohm (608.797.7915) or Gloria Kubiak (608.498.2762)
Confirmation Guides
You don’t need to know the Bible backwards & forwards & you don’t need a seminary degree. Just a heart for the youth of our church & an hour each week to spend with our confirmation youth. Parents, grandparents, godparents or any faith-mature adult is welcome to facilitate conversation and build relationships between our confirmands on Wednesday nights. Contact Pastor Stanton to nominate someone:
First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek!
All are invited to First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek! There will be creek stomping, horseback rides, hiking, playing disc golf, campfires and time shared with others! There will be a Bible Study led by Pastor Stanton and Carla Stanton, acrylic pouring led by Pastor Karyn, and Parent Share led by Carla Stanton. September 17, 18, and 19. If you’ve never been to Sugar Creek, this is your best chance! Come for one, two or no nights. You could just come for a day trip. And you don’t have to have kids in order to come. This is inter-generational time! First Lutheran is willing to cover 50% of the costs, so it will never be more affordable. There are cabins & rooms with AC and personal bathrooms as well as an area for RV/campers. Meals and the costs of counselors are included in the cost, too. Whether you are going for one night, both nights, just one day, just one meal, or even just for worship on Sunday the camp needs to know in order to plan appropriately and safely, so register with the church office at 608.783.2236. More details at
Blood Drive
Tuesday, Sept. 21, 12:30-5:30pm. Every day ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people. People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who’s ever received. Walk-ins welcome; appointments encouraged, schedule yours at Please bring a mask and photo ID.
All Are Welcome — Celebrating Community Diversity and Resisting Racism Event
Sat, Sept. 25, 3pm, at Weigent Park playground (Cass & 15th St, La Crosse). Join community leaders, neighbors, city officials and Bishop Felix Malpica as we celebrate the official placement of “All Are Welcome” signs at all La Crosse public parks. Family activities included. This event comes to you following elevated levels of racism and xenophobia, targeting people of color, in general, and immigrants and Muslims, in particular, in our city. More info:
First Day of Sunday School
The first day of Sunday School will be Sunday, Sept. 26, starting at 9:15am. There will be no opening; children should be dropped off directly at their rooms. For the 2021-22 Sunday School year, we are trying something new, and will be taking registrations online. For online reg and more info, go to
Grade 3 Faith Alive Building Block: The Bible
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they have learned.
Sunday, Sept. 26: parents/guardians only
Sundays, Oct. 3: parents/guardians with children
Sundays, Oct.. 10: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Oct.. 17: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Rite of Installation For bishop-elect malpica
The Installation of Rev. Felix J. Malpica as the 4th Bishop of the La Crosse Area Synod will be Sunday, Sept. 26, at 4 pm. ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and other guests will be present. The preacher will be the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla, father of Bishop-Elect Malpica. Out of love and care for our neighbor, we invite all to share in the celebration digitally through a livestream which will soon be available at Please be in prayer for our synod and Bishop-elect Malpica.
Supporting Afghan Immigrants Coming into Fort McCoy
As of Aug. 25, 1,300 Special Immigrants had arrived at Fort McCoy. It is expected that 13–17,000 people will move through Fort McCoy in the next few months. Their expected stay will be 31-45 days.
The mosques in Winona and La Crosse are the primary resources for responding to the spiritual needs of our guests. If anyone would like to donate to the local mosque to help support their work checks can be sent to: Othman bin Affan Mosque, PO Box 275, Onalaska WI 54650.
On a national level, we encourage support of Lutheran Refugee and Immigration and Refugee Service. They are on the ground at two other Forts in the U.S. working with our Special Immigrants. See what you can do by going to
Thank you for reaching out to support these Afghan people being re-settled in Wisconsin in whatever way you can.
Faith Alive! U: Homelessness and the Warming Center
On Sunday, Oct. 3 at noon, Toni Van Kirk from the Warming Center will be with us to talk about homelessness and the role the Warming Center plays in supporting people experiencing homelessness in the winter in La Crosse. Come and learn how you can support these neighbors. This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults.
The choir is starting a new “festival” rehearsal schedule. The next performance will be for the 150th Celebration on Sunday, Oct. 31, and rehearsals start up fresh on Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 7pm in the sanctuary. The Senior Choir is open to all people ages 12 and up. There is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! Full schedule and sign up at For more info contact Todd Saner at
Farewell for Pastor Libby Howe
Evening of Thursday, Oct. 7, here at First Lutheran. This will be an evening to share our appreciation for Pr. Libby and all the ministry she has done in our synod over the past 13+ years and to wish her the very best in her next call. Mark your calendar and wait for details to follow.
Coulee Region Hunger Walk
The Coulee Region Hunger Walk/Run/Bike is a nonprofit dedicated to raise funds, raise awareness and end hunger among our neighbors. This year's event will be Oct. 10, starting at 1:30pm at Myrick Park. A fun day is planned so come early, play some yard games, and get lunch from a food truck. Then walk, run or bike with family and friends. We hope that First Lutheran will have at least 70 walkers. If you prefer, you can participate virtually, just remember to register online. This is a fund raiser with 30% going to the Hunger Task Force, 30% to Wafer, and 40% to your preferred food nonprofit. You are encouraged to get sponsors, or form a team for some friendly competition. Register at or in person the day of the event.
410 Prayers
Join Kathryn for a time of prayer, every Monday–Friday, at 4:10pm. Kathryn is posting prayers on both Facebook and Twitter.