Announcements for Sunday, June 6 2021
INSIDE: Blessings to Our Graduates, and LWR Personal Care Kits
God’s blessing to our graduates and their families as they celebrate graduation. This Sunday First Lutheran will uplift this milestone, so make certain to join us!
Join us for worship!
Sunday, June 6:
8am: live stream at, and in-person (no registration required, but we ask all to sign-in upon arrival to assist with contact tracing if necessary). Nursery available, limited to 4 children.
10:30am: outdoor worship, in-person (no registration nor masks required). Current forecast for Sunday morning: Clear and 83º. If rain threatens, worship will move indoors.
Wednesday, June 9:
6:15pm: Premiering a short pre-recorded service, including hymn, reading, message and prayers, on Facebook and YouTube.
COVID-19 Update
Pastors and the COVID Advisory Panel regularly evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:
Worship: online & in-person with precautions
Education: Peer Ministry in-person with limits & precautions.
Small groups: online & in-person with precautions
No Registration Needed for In-Person Worship
We will continue to mask indoors and keep distance as we know some of our adults are choosing to not receive the vaccine, and none of our kids under 16 qualify. But no more registrations! We do ask all to sign-in upon arrival, to better assist with contact tracing if necessary. For a full breakdown of current precautions, visit
Worship Outdoors Every Week!
First will worship outdoors each Sunday during the second service. Bring your own lawn chairs. If the weather's bad that day, we'll move inside. One exception to this will be Sunday, June 13, when First will have only one service, at 9am (which will be indoors). Starting Sunday, June 20, the second service will move to 10am for the summer.
Women’s Ministry: Dorcas Circle
The Dorcas Circle is meeting from 1-3:30pm every other Tuesday. Next meeting: Tuesday, June 8. They are meeting via Zoom, and are reading and discussing the book 31 Proverbs to Light your Path, by Liz Curtis Higgs. If you are interested in joining, please contact Katy Wood.
Coffee with Pastor Karyn
Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 7:30am each Wednesday, currently via Zoom. Questions? Contact
Worship Changes for the Summer
Our synod’s annual assembly is taking place the weekend of June 12 & 13, and First Lutheran is the host site for the event. As part of the assembly, there will only be one service at First on Sunday, June 13, and it will be at 9am. This service is open to all, and will be led by synod leaders, with music provided by our First Praise Band, and the message by Interim Bishop Chris Boerger.
Starting June 20, Sunday worship times will change to 8am and 10am for the summer.
Regular Sunday and Wednesday worship times will resume in September.
Confirmation Camp…
for Youth going into grades 8 & 9
Our upcoming confirmation students get a chance to start their confirmation journey in the beautiful valley of Sugar Creek, the week of Sunday, June 13 through Friday, June18. We will learn in faith together while we do Bible study, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, campfires, and so much more! This summer confirmation camp is for youth going into both 8th & 9th grade. Questions? Contact Pastor Karyn at
NEEDED: Gently Used Sheets for Quilters
The First Lutheran quilters need sheets (gently used) and can always use fabric. Donations may be dropped off at the church office.
Grant Deadline Extended
The deadline to apply for a First Lutheran Church Foundation Fund Grant has been extended to July 1, 2021. The application form for the grant can be found at Completed applications can be turned in to the church office; the office closes at 4pm on July 1.
Amplifying the Voices of Black Youth in the La Crosse Area
Join us in this pressing educational program unveiling the perspectives of black youth and their parents in the La Crosse area. Local Black youth shared their perspectives of experiencing racism, bullying and stereotyping in our community from a very young age. This 2-day, synod wide online event will include viewing the video and a facilitated discussion. The purpose is to engage our community in necessary conversations about bias, racism and privilege. We challenge our community to change the environment, policies and practices that disproportionately impact black youth and their families. July 10 and July 17, 10am–noon. Watch upcoming announcements, the church website and social media for registration and Zoom details.
Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
Our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic will be July 11 from 11:30am–1:30pm at the first shelter in Rowe Park, for all volunteers who make Faith Alive! happen at First Lutheran. Precautions will be in place. Bring your lawn chairs and come to play! Mark the date so that we may celebrate those among us who give their time and energy to Christ’s mission! RSVP by July 11: call 608.783.2236 or online at
Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits
First Lutheran will be collecting items for LWR’s Personal Care Kits the next two months, and will assemble them during Vacation Bible School in early August. The kits require the following items:
Light-weight bath-size towels (between 20” x 40”and 52” x 27”), dark color recommended (shop for light- or medium-weight towels, which are easier for kit recipients to hand wash and air dry, take up less storage space and are considerably less expensive than the fluffier towels we may prefer to use).
Bath-size bars of soap equaling 8 to 9 oz. any brand, in original wrapping (no hotel soap).
Adult-size toothbrushes in their original packaging (Toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap).
Sturdy combs, remove packaging. (No brushes; please provide medium- to wide-tooth combs, so that members in all the communities we serve can utilize them).
Metal nail clippers (attached file optional), remove packaging.
Bring donations to the church on Sunday and place at the altar, or to the church office on weekdays from 8am–4pm.
Please give new items only. Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or a group’s name. Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage. Do not enclose items in plastic bags.
Vacation Bible School
Save the dates! Sunday–Thursday, Aug. 1–5.
Small Groups May Consider Being In-Person
First Lutheran small groups may gather in-person with precautions:
Capacity of gathering spaces will be capped at 25%.
Masks will be expected to be worn at all times, in all places.
There will be no food or beverages at this time.
Distances of 6 feet will be kept between small group participants.
Hugging, handshakes and other physical contact are discouraged.
For full guidelines, see our one-page document: Small Group Expectations During a Pandemic. Small group leaders should do the following:
Connect with Bridget Crave for details.
Connect with Tamara Schonsberg regarding room usage.
Connect with Andy Stutesman regarding promotions.