Announcements for Sunday, Feb. 14 2021

Inside: Annual Meeting, Lenten Small Groups, Drive-in Worship Cancelled

The First Lutheran Annual Meeting will be THIS Sunday, Feb. 14 at 9:30am, via Zoom. Help us meet quorum by attending, from the comfort of your own home! More details below; Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

The First Lutheran Annual Meeting will be THIS Sunday, Feb. 14 at 9:30am, via Zoom. Help us meet quorum by attending, from the comfort of your own home! More details below; Click here to join the Zoom meeting.


  • Join us for worship online this Sunday at 8am & 10:30am, and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at

COVID-19 Update

  • Pastors and the COVID Advisory Panel regularly evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:

    • Worship: online

    • Education: online

    • Small groups: online

  • For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit

Needed: Voting Members

The 2021 La Crosse Area Synod Assembly is June 11–13 (Friday—Sunday) 
held via Zoom. If you are interested in serving our 
synod and congregation as 
one of First Lutheran’s 5 voting members, 
contact Pastor Stanton or the church office. 
It’s a great opportunity to be the Church!

Nominations for Vision & Leadership

Nominations needed! First Lutheran will elect two new members to the Vision & Leadership Team at the Annual Meeting on Feb. 14. Read the following ‘job’ description and consider who you could nominate for this ministry. Position Summary: As a servant to the ministry of First Lutheran Church and working in conjunction with pastoral leadership, is responsible for development of the congregation’s mission and vision. Develops short- and long-term strategies for ensuring the spiritual and physical health and wellness of the congregation. Provides support to staff and congregation members to equip each member with skills to grow in faith and their own personal ministry. Send nominations to Pastor Stanton at

Annual Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 14, 9:30am

The First Lutheran Annual Potluck and annual meeting will look different in 2021. All members are invited to attend an online annual meeting Feb. 14 at 9:30am; the link for the Zoom meeting will be provided closer to the date. We will discuss reopening strategies, elect two new Vision & Leadership Team members, and complete a variety of other business. Please help us meet quorum by attending, from the comfort of your own home! Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

In advance of the annual meeting, you can now download the one-page Annual Report and the full Annual Report. Limited copies of the full report have been printed and are available from the church office, M–F 8am–4pm. One-page reports were included in end-of-year statements, which were mailed out this past week.

Lenten Small Groups

This Lent we invite you into the spiritual practice of remembering. Remembering again and again that we are God's beloved. If you are interested in being in a small group, sign-up at by Feb. 14.

Drive-In Worship Cancelled Due to Forecast

Due to a forecast for temperatures that will remain below zero, even through Sunday, Feb. 14, the drive-in worship service has been cancelled.

Read 1 Corinthian in 14 Days!

1 Corinthians is a complex letter from the apostle Paul to a church in Corinth, giving us our best first-hand information about day-to-day realities in the early Christian church. Pastor Stanton will be introducing this book to Bible Readers starting Monday, Feb. 15. Join at any time! These studies are for ANYone who can read, 3rd graders to our eldest friend; members and acquaintances far far away. Use whatever Bible you’d like! Follow Pastor Stanton’s daily guides on Facebook or YouTube, and if you’d like the daily video guides emailed to you contact Pastor Stanton at

Women’s Ministry: Dorcas Circle

The Dorcas Circle is meeting from 1-3:30pm every other Tuesday. Next meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1:30pm. They are meeting via Zoom, and are reading and discussing the book, Women of Easter, by Liz Curtis Higgs. If you are interested in joining, please contact Katy Wood.

Ash Wednesday Live Stream & Drive-Thru

Join us for live streamed worship and drive-THRU on Ash Wednesday…

  • 11:00am: Live stream worship (also available to view on demand at any time after 12pm)

  • Noon–1pm: Imposition of ashes drive-THRU

  • 6:30–7:30pm: Imposition of ashes drive-THRU

Our OWLs Be Zoomin’

The OWLs will have a Virtual Potluck on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 1pm on Zoom. For our main program Laura Liudahl will give an enlightening program on how to make “Cocoa Bombs.” As most of you know, Laura is a profession baker and master of everything sweet to eat. Come learn how to make something that will thrill your taste buds and delight your eyes. Zoom information will be sent out a few days before the potluck. Brian wants the OWLs to know they can participate in these virtual potlucks with just a regular phone. For help with Zoom, feel free to contact Brian: / 608.526.9700.

Fourth Grade Faith Building Block: Apostles’ Creed

  • Sundays, Feb. 21: parents/guardians with children

  • Sunday, Feb. 28: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship

Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. This session lasts for one week, and afterwards, the Faith Building Block will be lifted up in worship in celebration of what the students have learned. Gatherings will meet via Zoom; pastors will send out meeting codes to parents & guardians of youth in each grade before the first meeting.

Faith Alive! U: Teen Mental Health

Mental health issues are increasing for all of us right now, especially teens. What are some practical ways that we can do in our daily lives that will increase resilience and decrease distress? We will explore mindfulness and self-care through breath exercises, affirmations, and meditation, focusing on practices accessible to teens. Join us for a Zoom meeting on Sunday, Feb. 21, at 6pm with Sarah Hennessey, FSPA, a Franciscan sister and a spiritual director at the Franciscan Spirituality Center. A former junior high teacher, she is an active member of Depressed Anonymous and lives in recovery with mental health issues.This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults. To join the Zoom meeting go to the event page at

Knitters & Crocheters

The knitters and crocheters are meeting via Zoom every other Monday, 1-3:30pm. The next meeting is Monday, Feb. 22. Contact Katy Wood to join, or ask questions.

Crossing Guards

The Onalaska Police Department has immediate openings for permanent and on-call school crossing guards. Shifts usually are 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon. For information about the job and the pay, contact Sgt. Tim Berg: 608-392-0284 or

Community Supported Agriculture

First Lutheran has, once again, offered to be a pick-up site for CSA boxes of produce from Small Family Farm in La Farge. Though deliveries won’t start until June, you can purchase a share now. For info about products, prices and schedules, go to Prices typically increase April 1.

Sugar Creek Summer Camp 2021

Back in the saddle again! Sugar Creek is excited to be back with world-class summer camp programs for youth this coming summer! As vaccines are delivered nationwide, safety practices are honed, medical knowledge increases, and the camp program and facilities are adapted, the camp is confident in moving forward with plans for summer Bible camp. By the very nature of all their programs at Sugar Creek, the camp is, in many ways, even safer than schools during a pandemic since we keep youth in small groups and run camp activities in the open, fresh, outdoor air. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, youth desperately need real connections in life and in faith. Kids need to be lifted up in ways that only happen in safe, small-group adventures at Bible camp. Leadership, life-long faith, healthy relationships, self-confidence – these are gifts you give your children and grandchildren with time at Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek hopes you will join them for wonderful, safe outdoor adventures in real Christian community. Registration is now open at

410 Prayers

Join Kathryn for a time of prayer, every Monday–Friday, at 4:10pm. Kathryn is posting prayers on both Facebook and Twitter.

AV Ministry

Our permanent live stream setup is now in place. Two leaders/volunteers are needed at each service on Sundays and Wednesdays: 1) to run projection (as we always have) and 2) to direct the live stream. If you know someone with these gifts, or if you are interested in being a part of this ministry, pass their name or your name to


Pastor Karyn is looking for people who are willing to be our pray-ers. If you are willing to offer up a prayer or let us know a way we can be praying, send me an email to Thanks!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

We lift in prayer the family and friends of Dorothy Every


Message from Pastor Stanton for Feb. 2021