Foundation Update: St. Clare Health Mission 2020

The First Lutheran Foundation Fund is very proud to be able to help support local organizations that are meeting the needs of our communities. One such worthy and deserving organization is the St. Clare Health Mission in La Crosse.

The St. Clare Health Mission is a free and charitable clinic and pharmacy, started in 1993. The term “health mission” describes not only the program, but the motivation which guides it. Those participating in this initiative share a belief that, regardless of financial status, ethnicity or religious belief, health care is a basic human right and that we all share in the benefits of caring for our neighbors.

St. Clare Health Mission continues to meet the needs of our community during the pandemic. Here is what they told us about the work they have been doing.

“As many free and charitable clinics across the nation temporarily closed due to COVID-19, St. Clare Health Mission not only remained open, but we focused our attention on the hundreds of patients with chronic conditions, like hypertension and diabetes, who are at greater health risk were they to contract COVID-19. St. Clare Health Mission staff were busy compiling lists of over a hundred patients who needed their diabetes medications and many others who rely on our charitable care and pharmacy. They contacted all patients and developed a tele health system where doctors could conduct tele health visits. That allowed our free pharmacy to fill all medication needs for all of our patients.

St. Clare Health Mission’s regular Tuesday and Thursday walk-in clinics remained open and most patients were seen through tele health. The patients that needed to be seen in person were screened, brought in one at a time, directly to a clinic room for their visit. We were fortunate that we had enough PPE and only needed to purchase face-shields and a few other items initially. Our chronic condition clinics remained open as well and we were able to keep caring for our patients who need extra support and care to manage their chronic conditions.

At a typical evening clinic at St. Clare Health Mission one can see the best of humanity. At a recent clinic, we served a patient from Belize, a handful of working Mexican immigrants and a patient from Russia, stuck here as Russia’s lockdown was a bit more severe and she needs to be quarantined in a hospital in her home country once she returns. To all, we deliver high-quality, compassionate health care.

Thanks to charitable gifts, like yours, St. Clare Health Mission was able to remain fully open to support our many patients, primarily from La Crosse and Trempealeau County.”

The generous gifts of our past and present members have allowed for grants to be made to places like St. Clare Health Mission on behalf of First Lutheran Church. If you would like to give a gift to First’s Foundation, you can do so easily by sending a check to First Lutheran Church and designating it for the Foundation.

Thank you and God bless!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Announcements for Sunday, Oct. 11 2020


Announcements for Sunday, Oct. 4 2020