First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, Sept. 20 2020

Inside: First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek, Sunday School Creation Box

Outdoor worship at 10:30am this Sunday, Sept. 20, will be at Sugar Creek Bible Camp. More details below…


COVID-19 Update

  • First continues to evaluate when and how to best re-open. For now, we will continue with our previous recommendations:

    • Worship: online & outdoors at Sugar Creek this Sunday at 10:30am

    • Education: online

    • Small groups: online

  • For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit

First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek, This Friday, Sept. 18 Thru Sunday, Sept. 20

First Lutheran will have Sugar Creek Bible Camp all to ourselves the weekend of Sept. 18–20! All ages and stages are welcome to camp one or two nights, or just come for a day. We’ll use the same precautions that were used at camp all summer so that we can enjoy each other and a beautiful setting while feeling safe and having fun. Creek stomping, disc golf and horse rides by day… camp fires, s’mores and more by night. The weekend concludes with a safe, outdoor worship service Sunday morning. Come for any or all of what may become an annual event!

In addition to play days happening all weekend long, there are a number of tandem events happening at Sugar Creek. Feel free to come down just for these events; no need to stay overnight. But in order to safely accommodate everyone, please register with Sugar Creek using the registration process below.

  • Parent Share @ Sugar Creek: 4pm on Friday & Saturday, Carla Stanton will host; it's a time of mutual support for parents of kids of all ages.  

  • Bible Study @ Sugar Creek: 10am on Saturday. Is your 2020 full of chaos? Need an anchor amidst the storms of life? Join Carla and Jason Stanton for a Bible study and introduction to a spiritual practice rooted in texts that show us how our biblical ancestors responded in times of crisis and how we might apply these lessons to 2020.

  • Acrylic Art Pour @ Sugar Creek: 1pm on Saturday. Acrylic pouring art with Pastor Karyn. Easy, fun, beautiful art made in no time at all.

  • Outdoor Worship @ Sugar Creek: 10:30am on Sunday


  • Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, etc.)

  • Bring and wear a mask

  • Keep a 6-foot distance from others outside your household


  • Register online at (near the bottom of the page)

  • The costs you see are full price. First Lutheran is willing to pay half. So do not pay the full balance; just pay half, and First Lutheran will cover the rest.

  • Families who have registered for camp before can use their account. Families who have not will need to create an account and add each family member (takes about 10 minutes).

  • Upon login registrants will be prompted with a ‘Group Hold Registration’ message. Families from First Lutheran can enter the Group Hold ID:
    FLC Families
    (case sensitive)
    and they will be able to register for this program. Only families with the Group Hold ID will be able to register.

  • Question about how to register? Please call Sugar Creek at 608.734.3113.


  • Member Mark K. has made us aware that the usual route to Sugar Creek (Hwy 35 along the Mississippi) is closed. Google Maps says that the fastest route (from church) is currently along the Minnesota side of the river. Click here for directions.

Register for the Sunday School Creation Box! 

This is First Lutheran’s way of handling the pandemic & Sunday School. Do as much as you can including crafts, games, cooking, music, science, devotionals, verse and video! All you need to do is to register during the designated time and then you will pick up your box on the pick up day! Creation Box registration is open through Sunday, Sept. 20; register at Box pick up will be Saturday, Sept. 26, with activities running from Sept. 27 through Oct. 25.

Volunteer Needed for the Synod Office

The synod office is in need of a volunteer to oversee our campus facilities and take care of issues that arise with our properties, which include our office and our renter’s spaces. This may involve tasks such as coordinating repairs with plumbers, HVAC or electrical services; maintaining office humidifier; cutting down weeds on property; sweeping up sand from the lot in the spring, etc. This does NOT involve snow removal or shoveling. If interested or aware of someone who may be interested, please reply to or call Melanie at 608-788-5000 and leave a message with contact info.

Sunday Morning with Coffee Small Group

Sundays 9:15-10:15am starting THIS SUNDAY, Sept. 20. We will discuss questions and thoughts from the previous weeks Bible Readers readings. Join us when you can. We will meet virtually via Zoom when we can’t meet in person. Email to get the Zoom link or get help connecting to Zoom. 

Racism and the Coulee Region: A Community Dialogue Series

Many in our community have committed to engaging more deeply in efforts to prevent, combat and learn about racism. Join FSPA for a Zoom video conferencing series of dialogues with local activists, speakers and artists to explore issues related to race and racism. We look forward to open, honest and respectful conversation and sharing of ideas. This series is co-sponsored by the FSPA Office of Mission Integration and the FSC. Final date for the series: September 22, 1-3pm. Investment: $7. Register at or 608-791-5295. You will be sent a Zoom link after you register.

Grade 3 Faith Building Block: Bibles

  • Sunday, Sept. 27: parents/guardians only

  • Sundays, Oct. 4: parents/guardians with children

  • Sundays, Oct.. 11: parents/guardians with children

  • Sunday, Oct.. 18: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship

Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they have learned.

Gatherings will meet via Zoom; pastors will send out meeting codes to parents & guardians of youth in each grade before the first meeting.

Coulee Region Hunger Walk / Run / Bike

Coulee Region Hunger Walk/Run/Bike is a virtual event this year. You are encouraged to walk, run or bike between Oct 4-11. This is a fundraiser, with 30% going to The Hunger Task Force, 30% to WAFER Food Pantry and 40% to whatever nonprofit food organization you as the walker choose. That could be Lutheran World Hunger, Onalaska Food Pantry, a school district, etc. You can get pledges from family and friends, or make a donation yourself.
 Pledge forms/registration forms are available at If you’d rather just make a donation, you can do that at the website as well.

Synod School Of Theology

Classes being offered via Zoom, at 6pm on Thursdays: The Holy Spirit by Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz, Oct. 29–Dec. 10. Register now: / 608.788.5000. More info:

Baptismal Preparation

The pastors are considering baptisms on an individual basis. To register or ask questions contact the church office at 608.783.3326 /

Happy Birthday!! 

If you have received a birthday postcard from First in the last several months and still have it, bring it into church Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm and pick up a small gift. Remember to ring the doorbell on the left side of the doors and Tamara will be happy to help you.


We are seeking people of all ages who would be willing to be our readers each week. This would mean doing a video of yourself or family reading the assigned text and then uploading it to a google folder. If you are willing to do this, email Pastor Karyn:

Scrip Cards Are Still Available

Scrip cards are still available from the church office even though the building is closed. We have Kwik Trip, Woodman's, Target and Festival cards. To find out what's currently available and when you can buy them, call the church office at 608.783.2236 or send email to