Announcements for Sunday, June 7 2020
Inside: Sunday worship time changes to 9:15am this Sunday, Sanctuary Book Discussion, Bible Bits and Bible Readers
Ever wanted to read the whole Bible? Pastor Stanton will lead a year long, 5 days-a-week journey starting June 8! More info below and on our website.
Online Worship
Join us for worship online on this Sunday at 9:15am and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at
In-person worship, weddings, funerals and small groups will not be taking place in-person until further notice.
For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit
Sunday Worship Time Change
Sunday worship will live stream at 9:15am during the summer, starting June 7. The unscientific feedback we received was split 50/50. So, 9:15am represents a compromise which feels appropriate as we’re all being asked to compromise for each other in this time of virtual church, from our music preferences to streaming rather than being in person. 9:15am is a good reminder that we’re in this for each other. Not just for ourselves.
Sanctuary Book Discussion & Sermon Series
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you crave time and space to replenish? Can you name a sanctuary in your life? These are just a few of the questions addressed by Sanctuary, a short, easy-to-read, powerful book by Terry Hershey that is great for individuals and even better for couples, families and groups of friends. After Pentecost, all members and friends of First Lutheran are strongly encouraged to read Sanctuary and engage in the questions at the end of each chapter. Teens would greatly benefit from this little book, too. It could be a great summer read! Each Wednesday worship throughout the summer will be rooted in a chapter from Sanctuary. The book is available to purchase directly from the author Terry Hershey at He has updated his website to offer a special price: $10 per book plus $4 shipping.
Bible Readers Bible Study
Ever wanted to read the whole Bible? Pastor Stanton will lead a year long, 5 days-a-week journey starting June 8! From Pastor Stanton: For years, I’ve wanted to lead a Bible study with people of all ages, genders and Bible study experience. But there was no good day of the week or time of day to meet. So instead of a weekly study at the church… I want to bring a daily Bible study into your internet machine. I’ll post a 3-5 minute video by 5am Monday through Friday on Facebook and Youtube. If social media isn’t your thing, I could also e-mail each day’s video. Send me a request. By this time next year… we will have read through the whole Bible, having read for about 15 minutes a day. But we won’t jump in head first. Before making a daily habit, we will need to examine our habits and make space for reading from Scripture every day. From June 8—June 26 I will use my daily video time to help you examine your morning routines so that you may prioritize Scripture reading. Those are a must if any of us are going to succeed. This study is for ANYone who can read, 3rd graders to our eldest friend; members and acquaintances far far away. Use whatever Bible you’d like. And I’ll see you June 8!
NO TO RACISM - Becoming Instruments of Peace: Addressing Racism and Our Response
Join this free Zoom conversation Monday, June 8 or 9 from 7–8:30 pm. Facilitated by Jean Pagliaro and Pat Ruda. Registration required. In recent days, we have all been confronted with the harsh reality of racism, violence and hatred. As our faith and sense of justice call us to respond and act. How do we do that in effective yet non-violent ways? Please join us for mutual support and to explore steps we can take to confront racism and hatred.
Coffee With Pastor Karyn
Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday, currently via Zoom. Questions? Contact
Our OWLs Be Zoomin’
The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. OWLs: If you are having technical problems viewing worship services or pastors’ morning musings please call volunteer coordinator, Brian Narveson for help: 608.526.9700. For those already connected with a computer, tablet or smart phone, or even just a regular phone, the OWLs will be holding “Virtual Potlucks” via Zoom. Zoom is a two way video conferencing system where you can both see and hear the people you are talking with. The next one is Wednesday, June 10 at 1pm. Brian wants the OWLs to know they can participate in these virtual potlucks with just a regular phone. For help with Zoom, feel free to contact Brian: / 608.526.9700.
Drawing from the Well
This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another. We meet on the second Saturday of the month, 9:30–11am, with the next one on Saturday, June 13 at 9:30am. Contact our Bridget Crave for more info:
Sympathy to the family and friends of Pastor Roger Hjelle
We lift in prayer the family & friends of Pastor Roger Hjelle, who died Monday, March 30 at 75 years of age from an underlying heart condition. The family will have a drive by meet and greet time on June 18 from 4–7pm at Good Shepherd, La Crosse.
Vacation Bible School Cancelled
Due to COVID-19 concerns the VBS scheduled for August of 2020 has been cancelled.
Bible Bits
A project that we are starting to work on is to send a Bible verse video to Sunday school students. This video and verse from you would fill up the student's Bible with peoples names that are important to them and remember that God loves them and so do we! Beth will send a video (made by members) with directions to the Sunday school students that would give the opportunity for the youth to highlight the verse and write your name near it. This is a way to stay connected to our Bibles and our congregations' youth during this time. For more information, contact Beth at
AV Ministry
Our live stream set-up is starting to get into place, and the next phase involves members learning the set-up so we can continue to provide this ministry to everyone at home. We will be in need of two leaders/volunteers each Sunday: 1) to run projection (as we always have) and 2) to direct the live stream. Ideally we’d like a 2 week commitment on both Sundays and Wednesdays, the first week to lead projection and the second week to learn the live stream. If you know someone with these gifts, or if you are interested in being a part of this ministry, pass their name or your name to
We are seeking people of all ages who would be willing to be our readers each week. This would mean doing a video of yourself or family reading the assigned text and then uploading it to a google folder. If you are willing to do this, email Pastor Karyn:
Pastor Karyn is looking for people who are willing to be our pray-ers. If you are willing to offer up a prayer or let us know a way we can be praying, send me an email to Thanks!
Help Those in Need
If you are looking for ways to help locally, go to the Ugetconnected site to find a variety of needs, from writing letters or drawing pictures to seniors, to delivering pre-packaged meals or sewing. It's hard to keep track of all the various organizations, so this is a great spot to find out how you can help. Go to