Announcements for Sunday, May 10 2020
Inside: Mission trip & confirmation camp cancelled, Virtual Springfest, Grad Recognition.
Our OWLs volunteer coordinator, Brian Narveson, would like you to know: If you need any technical help with getting connected for the OWLs Zoom meetings, church services or pastor musings please contact him, as he would be glad to assist you…
Online Worship
Join us for worship online on Sunday at 10:30am and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at
In compliance with the recent extension of Governor Evers’ stay at home order, in-person worship has been canceled through May 26, including weddings and funerals. Sunday School, confirmation and many small groups are also affected. Vision & Leadership will determine how we will begin to gather again.
For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit
Recent Cancellations: Mission Trip and Confirmation Camp
Both confirmation camp and the mission trip have been cancelled for the summer of 2020. Questions regarding confirmation camp can be directed to Pastor Karyn. Questions about the mission trip can be directed to Pastor Stanton.
First Lutheran Preschool Virtual Springfest
First Lutheran’s preschool will be holding a “Virtual Springfest” on Facebook from May 7 through noon on May 11. Approximately 20 different baskets will be up for auction during this time. The proceeds of the winning bids help support the ministry of First Lutheran Preschool. To browse baskets and place bids, visit
Our OWLs Be Zoomin’
The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. OWLs: If you are having technical problems viewing worship services or pastors’ morning musings please call volunteer coordinator, Brian Narveson for help: 608.526.9700. For those already connected with a computer, tablet or smart phone, or even just a regular phone, the OWLs will be holding “Virtual Potlucks” via Zoom. Zoom is a two way video conferencing system where you can both see and hear the people you are talking with. The next one is Wednesday, May 13 at 1pm. Brian wants the OWLs to know they can participate in these virtual potlucks with just a regular phone. For help with Zoom, feel free to contact Brian: / 608.526.9700.
Graduation Recognition
First Lutheran will be blessing graduates on Sunday, May 17, during the live stream of the 10:30am worship service. Join us that Sunday for a special service to honor and bless this milestone, even during this time apart. Graduates will receive more information regarding the details about this service in the coming week.
Blood Drive on Monday, May 18
In times of crisis we lift each other up and ensure a safe and caring place for our neighbors. Your neighbors, friends, and loved ones are at an elevated risk during this latest crisis in our nation. The latest virus we are living through is very serious, but more so is the availability of blood. We are a beacon of hope. Ensuring an adequate blood supply to our communities is not only Versiti’s core mission, but it is our commitment to our hospitals, patients and communities in times of crisis. Versiti Blood Centers will be providing a blood drive on Monday, May 18, from 12:30–4:30pm. They encourages all donors to make an appointment to lessen the amount of people waiting at the blood drive; you can do so at To learn more about the safety precautions Versiti is taking during this pandemic, click here.
Virtual Memory Cafe
The ADRC of La Crosse County is excited to share with you this new endeavor to help Memory Cafe participants stay connected: they are offering memory cafés virtually! Let’s stay connected and have fun—we will get through it together! May 19, 10:30am-11:30am join us online, and come ready with your favorite pair of shoes. We will use them for our activity!! Get ready for community, fun and connection! TO REGISTER: Email for the link to meet online. Use your computer or smartphone to join us! Call Kelsey at 608.785.5780 for help and support in setting this up. We look forward to “seeing” you!
Tentative Come for Supper
First Lutheran will tentatively plan to assist with Come for Supper on Tuesday, May 26, at Our Savior’s in La Crosse. First Lutheran will help with food donations and volunteering to serve and clean up. Call Gloria Kubiak to sign up and for more details: 608.498.2762.
Help with Pentecost Project
Pentecost is on May 31, and we would like “Come Holy Spirit” recorded in as many languages as possible. Here is what we need from you: contact, and she’ll send you the name of a country. Do a little research, and find how one would say “Come Holy Spirit” in their language (Google Translate makes it easy). Record a video of you and your family saying “Come Holy Spirit” in the language, and upload to a Google folder. For more details, watch this post by Pastor Karyn.
Bible Bits
A project that we are starting to work on is to send a Bible verse video to Sunday school students. This video and verse from you would fill up the student's Bible with peoples names that are important to them and remember that God loves them and so do we! Each day or every other day Beth would send a video (made by members) with directions to the Sunday school students that would give the opportunity for the youth to highlight the verse and write your name near it. This is a way to stay connected to our Bibles and our congregations' youth during this time. For more information, contact Beth at
We are seeking people of all ages who would be willing to be our readers each week. This would mean doing a video of yourself or family reading the assigned text and then uploading it to a google folder. If you are willing to do this, email Pastor Karyn:
Pastor Karyn is looking for people who are willing to be our pray-ers. If you are willing to offer up a prayer or let us know a way we can be praying, send me an email to Thanks!
Sewing Face Masks
The La Crosse County Health Dept. provides direction on making face masks for healthcare workers: Go to for info, modifications to the pattern, and drop-off locations.
Help Those in Need
If you are looking for ways to help locally, go to the Ugetconnected site to find a variety of needs, from writing letters or drawing pictures to seniors, to delivering pre-packaged meals or sewing. It's hard to keep track of all the various organizations, so this is a great spot to find out how you can help. Go to
4:10 Prayers
Join Kathryn for a time of prayer, every Monday–Friday, at 4:10pm. Kathryn is posting prayers on both Facebook and Twitter.