How does a church grow its capacity for ministry?

If we members of First Lutheran actually believe we change lives, how do we do more of that? Our staff, vision and leadership team and a task force sat with that question for a while and came up with a few ideas. All the ideas are rooted in sharing stories that explain how it is true: that First Lutheran is a transformative institution where lives get changed. And so we created videos and framed posters and posted content to social media that all said “We Change Lives…” through Stephen Ministry, Lutheran World Hunger, Youth Ministry, a Green Team and and much more. We also thought it would be smart to not just ask for money, but to invite everyone into something special. Not every church has its focus on serving the neighbor, caring for creation and worshipping God. Some churches are simply about self-preservation. First Lutheran holds a unique place in the religious landscape of our community. All are welcome. All are encouraged to lead, in fact. And all questions are allowed.

I believe this message that “All are welcome” is faithful AND meets a moment in our culture where young and old alike seek to belong to groups that allow wandering, serve others and do not pretend to have all the answers. At the same time, we ground all those questions and service in ancient stories that have guided seekers/believers for centuries. First Lutheran is an old institution finding its way into a new world that is more secular, but no less interested in connecting to Truth and living in Love.

I want to be a part of a church like this, with our priorities. I want to support its youth ministries, its efforts to warm cold bodies and feed hungry ones. I want to tell others that my church has fellowship and learning times where presenters ask more questions than enforce doctrine. And so I give money to the church.

Every year, we ask our members to make a financial pledge or fill out an estimate of giving card. This year, I hope you consider your giving in light of who First Lutheran is and what we do together. My family will be increasing our gifts to First Lutheran’s general fund in 2020 because I understand the church’s capacity for doing its unique work depends on the financial generosity of its members. Join me!


Watch the confirmands of 2019 share their faith stories!


Who will be our synod’s next YAGM? (Young Adults in Global Mission)