Hospitality Families

The greatest joy I receive on a Sunday is seeing families serving together in a ministry. I love seeing families help with coffee together, little and not so little ones getting the the cups, napkins, creamers and sugar packets out on the table. It’s wonderful to see older children going around filling coffee cups and talking to the adults at the tables. I love seeing families usher together, welcoming people into the sanctuary and gathering the offering. When families serve together, it brings joy not only to me but to others seeing it and to the children participating. I love to see young ones’ faces light up when they can help out in church. Their attitude changes, and they walk a little taller taking pride in what they can do.

As we move into the fall with school starting, Sunday school beginning and activities starting up, I hope you will consider helping out in church as a family. We have lots of ways families can serve. The Parking Lot Ministry is one way a parent and child can work together to welcome those coming into church. Families can help as Narthex Minglers, welcoming people and helping people find where they need to go. Ushering is a great way for families to serve together, handing out announcement pages, taking the offering and getting people up for communion. If a young person wants to help out by reading scripture on a Sunday or be an acolyte even without a family member helping that would be wonderful as well.

It’s never too early to start our children learning to give of themselves and with a parent or family member helping alongside them, it’s even better for everyone. As it says in Galatians 6:10, “so then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all and especially for those of the family of faith.” When we help out at church, whether as an individual or as a family unit, we are serving and helping out our family of faith. I often wonder how many children would love helping out in church but are afraid to ask or don’t think they would be welcomed to help. Let’s change this together!!

This year during the first day of Sunday school, we will have sign up sheets for children to sign up to help. Some of the areas will need a family member to come alongside them and help them out as they help out others. Some of the sign-ups a child can help all by themselves. My hope is that families will see the opportunity to help their children learn to help others. Please take the time to sign up to help as a family or to encourage a family to sign up to help out in this serving opportunity. When you see a family helping together, thank them and tell them how wonderful it is to see them serving the Lord together.

If you have any question about helping out as a family, let me know. E-mail me at or give me a call at church at 783-2236.

Kathryn Pedretti
Director of Servant Ministries

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