Announcements for Sunday, May 28

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This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old, and meets the last Sunday, at 9:15am, in room 102. We sing, dance, play and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time — join us! 

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thursday, June 1, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of tasks around the church, such as grounds clean-up, minor repairs and other small jobs. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Grief Support Groups

Carrying on after the death of a loved one can be difficult and lonely. Join with others who have experienced loss, and listen and care for each other. Two groups to choose from, both meeting the first Thursday of the month:

  • 1pm in the Upper Rm, led by Nancy Beguin
  • 7pm at Gloria Kubiak’s home; call Gloria at 608.498.2762 if interested in joining

Questions? Contact Director of Small Group Ministry Bridget Crave: More info at

Baptismal Preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, June 3, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, contact the church office: 608.783.2236 / 

You’d Look Great in a Red Vest!

The synod needs volunteers for the Synod Assembly, June 9-11, held in La Crosse this year. Aside from wearing red vests, volunteers play an important role in making the assembly run smoothly, starting with registration on Friday evening and throughout the Saturday and Sunday sessions. This a great opportunity to meet members and clergy from other ELCA congregations in our synod, participate in worship and prayer throughout the three days and feel the satisfaction of helping the mission of our church. To volunteer or to learn more, contact Betty Sacia at 608.526.3506 or via e-mail:

Root Beer, Beer & Hymns

A spirited sing-along on Saturday, June 10, 7pm at Our Savior’s, 612 Division St, La Crosse. This is part of Synod Assembly festivities. Celebrate with friends old and new, support campus ministry, and drink good local craft beer and root beer!

Noah’s Ark in WI Dells

First Lutheran families are invited to Noah’s Ark in the Dells on Saturday, June 10, from 10am-6pm. Cost: $18, includes hot dog lunch. Though this is a youth event, it will be more like a family outing. If a youth absolutely can’t be accompanied by an adult, contact to work something out. We want everyone who would like to come to be able to participate. RSVP to

Explorer Day Camp!

Who: Children entering grades 1-5. What: Day Camp! Where: Sugar Creek. When: Wednesday, July 12, 7:30am-4:15pm. Why: Experience a day at Sugar Creek (a parent is welcome/preferred). How: Carpool/van/bus from First Lutheran! Additional info: Wear tennis shoes and bring swim suit and towel. Snacks, lunch and water are provided! Cost: $20. For more info & RSVP contact Beth Miller: 414.856.5145 /

Helping Hands

Announcing a new ministry at First Lutheran called “Helping Hands!” If you need help with small jobs around the house, such as changing batteries in a smoke detector or changing a light bulb, or if you need a couple of meals delivered to your house because of a medical condition or some groceries, just go to the “Helping Hands” board by the nursery and make out a slip with a description of what you need help with and your telephone number. Then anyone who thinks they can help out can take the slip and call the number to work out the details. This ministry is open to all in need of help and to those who can provide the help. There is no set group of “helpers” so we need involvement from all who can be a blessing to someone else. Let’s pray this ministry will be a shining example of “God’s work, our hands!”

Clothes Closet Needs:

  • Gently used swimming suits
  • Jewelry
  • Straight-leg jeans—Youth, size 14

No more winter clothes, please! We don’t have storage space and need to offer summer clothes now. Thank you for your continued support!

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

Our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic will be July 16 from noon–2pm at Rowe Park. It’s for all our volunteers who make “Faith Alive!” happen at First Lutheran! Mark the date so that we may celebrate those among us who give their time and energy to Christ’s mission!

Share your Faith Alive! experience and tag your posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with #faithalive365.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Good News for June 2017


Announcements for Sunday, May 21