OWLs Post for September 2016

By popular request are rescheduling the canceled August outing to the Commonweal Theatre in Lanesboro, Minnesota. Our evening will start with a beautiful ride along the Root River, dinner in one of Lanesboro’s fine establishments and some fantastic Theatre at the Commonweal. This fabulous evening out is scheduled for Thursday, September 15. After a delicious dinner we will see they play Pride’s Crossing. Proclaimed the Best American Play of 1997 by the N.Y. Drama Critics Circle. A thoughtful and enticing play about the life of the first woman to swim the English Channel. The NY Post declared it “ a play you will remember and cherish forever”. We will leave the church at 4pm on Thursday, September 15. Cost of the Theatre is $35, ($30 if we get 15 or more) and dinner is on your own. Please email (owls@firstlu.org) Brian Narveson by Tuesday, September 13th if you are planning on attending. You can pay for the tickets the night of the outing.

For the September potluck we will return to our usual noon on the third Wednesday, which is Sept. 21. In August we had an enjoyable time sharing some of our life stories and thank you to everyone who shared and brought photo’s. Our reminiscing about when we were younger reminded me of the great time we had last fall listening to and enjoying the music of those days. For our program in September we will once again play “Name that Tune”. All new songs, from some different artists but just as much fun. Can last year’s champion’s reassemble their team to defend the title? So we can use the sound system we will meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Come for the food and fellowship and stay for the musical fun.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in September.

Brian Narveson
Volunteer leader of the OWLs, a small group at First Lutheran for those 55+.

Good News for September 2016


Thank you Vacation Bible School volunteers!