Message from Pastor Stanton for July 2016
The weather does not feel like it’s anywhere near Thanksgiving Day, but at First Lutheran, we celebrate Thanksgiving every Wednesday and Sunday at the altar table. Giving God thanks for becoming one of us, saving us and equipping us to be a blessing to others is our ‘duty and delight.’ But God is not the only one worthy of thanks.
“Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
When: Sun., July 24
Where: Rowe Park
Shelter #1
On Sunday, July 24, the staff at First want to thank every single person who contributes their precious time toward our ministries. From those who sing in the choir to those who water the garden; from those who do the handy-man jobs around the facility to those who serve as members on a committee; from Sunday School teachers to prayer shawl knitters—you deserve to be thanked! If you have not received a formal invitation to this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at Rowe Park from 12-2 on July 24, please consider this your invitation.
In years past, we have had fun with water, horseshoes and, of course, food. Bring the kids, as there are swings, slides and more right next to the shelter. And come rain or shine – which we proved a couple years ago! We still have fun.
My favorite thing about the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic is that we gather for no other reason than to say thank you. A true gift is offered without any need or expectation to be recognized or rewarded. But the recipient of the gift, when he or she truly appreciates what has been offered, may feel the need to thank. This deep need to voice gratefulness in the face of generosity builds relationships and encourages even more generosity. Please consider making time for a fun church picnic where you have to do nothing but receive the thanks of First’s staff. We are grateful for all the ways we, together, make Faith Alive!