OWLs Post for February 2016

The OWLs braved the cold for two very nice events in January. Many of us traveled to Winona for a fun day of lunch and a visit to the Minnesota Marine Art Museum. We are blessed to have such a fabulous art collection so close by. The potluck was a rousing success with 32 of us attending Pastor Karyn’s educational and inspiring presentation on the trip to Israel.

February promises to be equally exciting. We will begin the month with our potluck on Wednesday, February 17, at noon in the fellowship hall. Last fall we had a great time playing “Name That Tune” with 50’s and 60’s music. In February we will expand our reach and play “Name That TV Show.” Video clips will be shown of 50’s and 60’s TV shows and working as teams, you will guess the name of the show and the stars. Does anyone remember the show “Dragnet”? Come for the food and stay for fun.

The outing in February will be to attend the unforgettable musical “Singing in Rain.” Gene Kelly will not be making an appearance but the theatre department at UW-La Crosse will do their usual outstanding job. Before the play we will have dinner at one of our favorite La Crosse restaurants, the Waterfront. David Lueck has once again arranged a lower cost menu and a private room for our enjoyment. The Waterfront has always provided us with excellent food and service. We will leave the church at 4:30pm on Friday, February 26. Tickets need to be booked ahead of time. Please inform Brian Narveson by Monday night, Feb. 22 via email (owls@firstlu.org) or phone 608-526-9700 if you plan to attend. Cost of the play is $16 for seniors (pay Brian on that Friday), and dinner is on your own. Look forward to seeing everyone on our Friday night out.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at owls@firstlu.org.

Brian Narveson
Volunteer leader of the OWLs, a small group at First Lutheran for those 55+.

Good News for February 2016


Announcements for Sunday, January 31