Clothes Closet Update for January 2016

Recent publicity in the news media, outreach to schools and other agencies and a $10,000 grant from the Franke Foundation are helping the First Teen Clothes Closet touch the lives of more and more young people from our area.

With he grant, the closet will be able to supplement inventory in the areas of most need, and continue to organize the facility to make visits positive for our clients. With the increased exposure, the Teen Clothes Closet is also in need of additional volunteers to meet with clients for confidential individual visits and to staff twice-monthly “open hours” on the first and third Saturdays.

Anyone interested in volunteering as a host can contact Bridget Crave at the church office. A volunteer meeting and training is planned in January; watch your bulletins for more information or ask to be included in a volunteer mailing list.

You can help make 2016 a brighter year for our community’s youth.

First Teen Clothes Closet team,


Small Groups Update for January 2016


Sunday School Update for January 2016