Announcements for Sunday, September 27

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First Lutheran welcomes all people to participate in Christ’s mission through our ministries, worship and programs, whether you are a member or not. Membership does, however, benefit our congregation. If you’re a member, we know your contact information, can more easily provide you with ministry opportunities and invite you to offer your gifts to the rest of this family of faith. The next new member session will be 11:45am THIS Sunday, Sept. 27, with new member Sunday on Oct. 4. Children are welcome to be present. If you are interested in attending the session, simply speak with a pastor after worship.

Flowers in the sanctuary are in honor of Gaylord Dolphin’s 80th birthday, from his family

Wedding blessings are extended to Samantha Thomas & Alex McCullough

Assist with Worship!

It takes the church community to help with all the different aspects of worship—making certain worship is welcoming and runs smoothly. TODAY is the best day to sign up for October, so that we have time to prepare our worship calendar and create reminders. Adults and youth are welcome and can serve in many ways:

  • Acolytes
  • Coffee servers
  • Communion servers
  • Nursery attendants
  • Puppet volunteers
  • Ushers
  • Treat providers

Sign up today at the Connecting Point and see Kathryn Pedretti, our Director of Servant Ministries, with any questions.

Little LEAPs

This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old, and meets the last Sunday, at 9:15am in room 102. We sing, dance, play, and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time—join us! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer who helps our children during adult time, please contact Carla Stanton,

Sunday School Update

  • Sunday, September 27
    • 9:15am: Sunday School classes
    • 9:15am: 3rd Grade Faith Building Block: Bibles, in sanctuary (3rd meeting, child with parents/guardians)
  • Sunday, October 4
    • 9:15am: Sunday School classes

Usher Training

Usher training sessions will be offered four times in the coming months; pick a Sunday to learn more about how you, and even your entire family, can serve in this way! Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 11 all from 9:30–10am, in the sacristy (the room behind the fellowship hall). Sign up online or at the Connecting Point table, or just attend today’s session! Walk-ins welcome!


Rehearsing Sundays in the sanctuary at 11:45am. All young people who want to play or sing in a praise band are encouraged to attend!

Clothes Closet Seasonal Switcheroo

Later this month, youth and adult volunteers will be needed to assist in switching inventory from summer to winter clothing. Both youth and adults are need; shifts are after the 10:30 service on Sept. 27, Oct. 4 or Oct. 11. Pizza will be provided for those who help.

Urgent Needs for Clothes Closet

The First Teen Clothes Closet is changing seasons and growing. We are seeking sturdy, retail-strength clothing racks, plastic clothes hangers, peg board and hooks to be used in reorganizing for fall season. If you have any of these items you could donate, contact Sara Larkin at 608.781.0745 / Also needed ASAP are homecoming dresses in all sizes. These can be dropped off in the entryway donation cart. Thank you for helping support area teens!

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thur., October 1, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of necessary tasks around the church; such as grounds clean-up, minor repairs, and other small jobs. Rolls and coffee are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Baptismal preparation

A baptism preparation session will be held Saturday, Oct. 3, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask any questions, please contact the church office: 608.783.2236 /

Special Congregational Meeting: Week of Oct. 4

There will be a special congregational meeting the week of October 4 immediately following each Sunday & Wednesday worship service.  The single agenda item will be the election of new Vision & Leadership Team members.  Please attend this brief, but important meeting.

Sugar Creek Women’s Retreat

Fri 7pm–Sun morning, Oct. 9-11
Presenter: Pr. Libby Howe, Dir. for Evangelical Mission/Assistant to the Bishop. Topic: “Friendship - The Way of God”. Also free time with Mary Kay rep, chair massages and much more. Come relax and meet new friends. Contact camp for detailed flyer: 608.734.3113 or

GOT Couch?

Needed: gently used couches to replace the ones in the Mary room. If you have a possible donation, contact Head Custodian Mike Peper: / 608.783.2236.

Sarcastic Lutheran Speaking at WSU

Make plans now to hear Nadia Bolz-Weber, known as the Sarcastic Lutheran, Tattooed Pastor, and founding pastor of the ELCA congregation House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, CO. She will be speaking on Thursday, Oct. 15 at Somsen Auditorium, WSU at 7pm. It is FREE but come early to get a seat. Nadia is a dynamic speaker who brings a fresh perspective and powerful proclamation of the gospel.

VBS Director

Tina is looking for a director to help lead and organize Vacation Bible School for 2016. Responsibilities include helping Tina plan the theme and daily activities, and recruiting people to help with the event. VBS next summer is August 7-11. Contact Tina at

To learn more about these and other announcements, head to our website at

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

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