First Lutheran Church

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Small Group Update for September 2015

I am excited about this new small group study, Making Sense of the Christian Faith, for several reasons. It addresses a lot of questions that I have had about the faith and the Bible. It is written in a dialog format between a person asking faith questions and another person helping answer those questions, and both learning from each other as they dialog. It’s an 8 week study, so it has a very defined beginning and end and hopefully you can make a commitment to attend a study for 8 weeks. Beginning Wednesday, September 23, from 6:30—8:00pm at church, child care is available in the nursery. This may be a perfect time for parents of confirmation students. All are welcome.

Other studies starting this same week:

  • The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. This is a 12 week small group for women, Thursday nights from 6:15 to 8:15pm at church. Again, child care will be available.
  • The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction. This is a 16 week, Tuesday nights from 6:15 to 8:15pm small group that walks through the Bible. You won’t read every word of the Bible during 16 weeks, but you will cover the major themes and stories. My husband, Glen, and I studied this several years ago, and it was an amazing learning experience, and we built some great relationships that continue today. This is a mix of DVD showing stories of the Bible through sand art, some Bible reading during the week and conversation of what you read when you meet as a group.
  • The Story. This is a DVD-based, 31-week walk through the Bible. This group will meet on Sundays between worship services.This study replaces Bible Bits. All are welcome whether you have attended Bible Bits or not.

You can give me a call, send me an email, or just sign up on Signup Genius if you are interested in any on these small groups. I would also love to hear from you if you are interested in a book group that would meet once a month, or maybe are interested in starting a running group, cooking group, or other activity that you enjoy or would like to explore with others.

Life is better in community!