First Teen Clothes Closet Update

Dear congregation,

Many thanks for your support of First Teen Clothes Closet. Getting the word out about us through agency visits, posters and leaflets has brought in more teens in the past month! Watch for some local news articles and a television interview later this summer.

It is amazing to us how grateful and thoughtful our guests at the clothes closet are. There have been several times when guests have taken less than the allotted number of items in order to not take what someone else might need. Some teenagers have offered to return the clothes when they are finished wearing them and others have shown an interest in volunteering at First Teen Clothes Closet and participating in teen events at the church.

This month we could use summer clothes (teen clothing—gently used) in large, extra large and 2x sizes. Shorts, dresses, capris, shirts, and T-shirts, as well as pajamas are appreciated. 

A special thanks to Renee Thies’ confirmation group and the 6th grade Sunday School class who volunteered their time sorting through many boxes and bags of summer donations.

Please continue to keep the clothing closet guests and volunteers in your prayers.

First Teen Clothes Closet team,

Lori Lunney, Shari Hegland, Bridget Crave and Sara Larkin

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

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