Young Youth Update for December 2015
“When one of those who were reclining at the table with Him heard this, he said to Him, “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!””
Attention Young Youth!!!
Meet at the church on December 11, from 6–7pm down in the Fellowship Hall to decorate Christmas cookies. The cookies will be handed out as gifts to residents that we visit when the church goes caroling on December 13. Parents are more then welcome, even encouraged to attend, the cookie decorating event!!
We had a brilliant time in October at Clearwater Farm! The kids did such an amazing job helping to get the garden ready for winter, feeding the animals and building scarecrows for their fall event. The weather was amazing and the event extremely successful. Thank you to all who attended!!
What to look forward to:
- MP3 night
- Winter Fun Days at Sugar Creek
We’ve had some wonderfully attended events and the children have been wonderful. Thank you so much for attended and sharing your amazing children with myself and the youth group.
Katie Everson