First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, October 25

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SERVE @ Worship

It takes the church community to help with all the different aspects of worship—making certain worship is welcoming and runs smoothly. TODAY is the best day to sign up for November, so that we have time to prepare our worship calendar and create reminders. Adults and youth are welcome and can serve in many ways:

  • Acolytes
  • Coffee servers
  • Communion servers
  • Nursery attendants
  • Puppet volunteers
  • Ushers

Sign up today at the Connecting Point and see Kathryn Pedretti, our Director of Servant Ministries, with any questions.

Butter Braids

This fund raiser is now available to ALL YOUTH going to Bible camp or on mission trips this summer. Order forms are available in the office—pick one up and start selling! Forms need to be returned by Nov. 15. What? You just want to EAT a Butter Braid? Just purchase one from a youth, or speak with Tina!

Wedding blessings are extended to Emily Snider & BJ Tully


Rehearsing Sundays in the sanctuary at 11:45am. All young people who want to play or sing in a praise band are encouraged to attend!

Sunday School Update

  • Sunday, October 25
    • 9:15am: Sunday School classes
    • 9:15am:3-year-old Faith Building Block: Praying Together, in fellowship hall (3rd meeting, children with parents/guardians)
  • Sunday, November 1
    • 3-year-old Faith Building Block: Praying Together, lifted up in worship 
    • 9:15am: Sunday School classes
    • 9:15am: 1st Grade Faith Building Block:
    • 10 Commandments - FH (1st meeting, parents/guardians only)

New registrations welcome any time of the year. Contact Sunday School superintendents Sheri Betz and Tawni O’Rourke at or stop in the Sunday School office in room 206.


The next potluck will be Wed., Oct 28, at noon in the fellowship hall. Questions? Contact Brian at 

HS Game Night

Come join in a fun night of fellowship and games. This is a once a month get-together for those high school game nerds out there! Bring your own favorite games to share with the group! Tuesday, Oct. 27 @ 7pm—8:30pm


It’s a relaxing way to volunteer! Thursday, October 29, at 9am, to assemble the November newsletter. See you there! 

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thur., Nov. 5, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of necessary tasks around the church; such as grounds clean-up, minor repairs, and other small jobs. Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Church Women United: Our Journey Together

Friday, November 6, 9:30–11am, at Good Shepherd, 4141 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse. $5 brunch. RSVP to Barb by Nov. 2: 608.784.0062. Bring winter outerwear to donate to Salvation Army.

Care Package for Aliyah

Now that Aliyah Richling, our Young Adult in Global Mission, has had a chance to get settled into her new place in Békéscsaba, Jennifer Wiesjahn reached out to see if there is anything she needs/wants from the States that she can’t find in Hungary. The items listed below are the ones she has identified. Contact Jennifer (608.397.6897) if you are interested in providing a monetary donation towards the purchase of these items, otherwise donations can be brought to the office. THANK YOU! Items include: Skittles, chocolate chips, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, peanut butter, Cheeze It’s, Twizzlers, Twilight books, ELW hymnal, & cheddar cheese.

Little LEAPs

This group is for parents/guardians and their children ages birth to 3 years old, and meets the last Sunday, at 9:15am in room 102. We sing, dance, play, and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time—join us! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer who helps our children during adult time, please contact Carla Stanton,

Blood Drive

Monday, November 2, 12:30-5:30pm, in the fellowship hall. Every day ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people. People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who’s ever received. To schedule your appointment go to Please bring a photo ID.

Clothes Closet Needs

Items we need: lightweight cotton winter gloves, ties, shampoo and winter boots (gently used, “Ugh” type knock offs). Thanks to everyone who has donated their time, clothing, personal hygiene items and cash donations. Finally, thank you for praying for the people in need who use the clothes closet and for the growth we are experiencing at the closet. If you are interested in volunteering as an appointment host, shopper, or inventory assistant, please contact the church office. And keep all those whom we serve in your prayers.

WANTED: Sewing Machines

The church quilters are looking for one or two working sewing machines. If you’ve got one you’d like to donate, please send an email to

Snow Birds

If you will be leaving town for the winter, we want to make sure you still get the monthly newsletter and other mailings. Please provide us with your winter address, and the dates you will leave and come back, so that we can keep our mailing information for your household up to date. You can mail us the information, or email it to us (, or call us (608.783.2236).