First Lutheran Church

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Thankfully Receiving

Have you ever received a gift and you were not really excited or even thankful for it. But soon after receiving the gift you realized it was what you needed. I know that has happened to me. One Christmas my mother-in-law gave us a cooking pot with a lid, just one mind you and we had a set already. I thanked her for all the gifts, but was thinking in the back of my mind, “what will I do with this one pot and lid.” That summer that pot and lid came in very handy when we went camping. It became our cooking pot. Whenever we go camping, it reminds me of the wonderful mother-in-law that God had given me. I often have to remind myself to be thankful for all things. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. Its not easy sometimes, and sometimes it can seem impossible. I often remind myself to be thankful for all who help here at church, those who so willingly help usher, read, serve communion, etc., but also for those who—without knowing it—show hospitality to those visitors that come to worship.

As we start implementing our strategic plan, I am praying and thanking God for those we have and will step up to help in all new/different areas. I am also praying for a hospitality leadership team because we will need almost everyone to be on a hospitality action team. I will need a team to help me find people and give direction. I would love to see every member of our congregation helping in some area of hospitality. There are so many areas for everyone to be involved in and different ways to be a HAT (Hospitality Action Team) member. I am so excited to begin the process of being a hospitable church to all who arrive here both members and visitors alike, but I can not do it alone. I will need some people to help in the planning of the teams and help in seeing those who have the gift of hospitality. Everyone has the gift of hospitality, some more than others, but everyone can be a member of a HAT.

When I get the Hospitality Leadership Team in place, you will begin to hear more about the HAT and all that the teams will do to make our members and visitors feel welcomed here at church. There will be so many different ways to help, and I hope and pray that everyone will join a HAT. If you have any questions please feel free to talk to me or e-mail me anytime. I can’t wait to see what God will do through the HAT for He is good.

Photo by: By Jordiferrer via Wikimedia Commons