-Email, Serve & Give, Confirmation, Sunday School Andrew Stutesman -Email, Serve & Give, Confirmation, Sunday School Andrew Stutesman

Hat drive for Hats Off for Cancer

We are collecting indoor and outdoor hats for local hospitals and the Hats Off for Cancer National Drive. We are asking for NEW hats and head scarves. Indoor hats are especially appreciated! The drive will take place Nov. 20—Dec. 18, with a special offering during the service on Dec. 18. Look for collection bins in the narthex.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti

Helpful Welcoming

As I was in Office Depot this past summer, I just needed some time to look and think about a project I was working on. Unfortunately, the people working were very helpful and almost every aisle I went down someone asked me if I needed help. Usually I like being asked if I need help because I usually do need help, but not this time. This time I just wanted to be by myself to think and work things out in my mind without interruptions. This may be what it is like for our visitors; they may not want a bunch of information or handouts. Sometimes all they want is one or two of their questions answered.

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Announcements, High School, -Email Andrew Stutesman Announcements, High School, -Email Andrew Stutesman

Young Adults & Parents: Update your contact info for Caring Connections

Young adults and parents: it’s that time of the year to update us with your new address for the fall! Whether you are college-bound or not, please stop in the church office or click here to update your contact information online so that we can keep you connected in our Caring Connections Ministry!

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