Newsletter Article, -Email Jason Stanton Newsletter Article, -Email Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for October

Have truer words ever been uttered? I think I was attracted to this quote for two reasons: 1) I have spent a good portion of my month pouring over First Lutheran’s strategic plan and 2) tomorrow I get to accompany a veteran to Washington DC for a freedom honor flight where he will visit the memorial that was built for him and his comrades in arms. (I say tomorrow because I write this Sept. 19 so that it can appear in the October newsletter.) So, an Eisenhower quote about plans and planning really spoke to me today.

It is with great satisfaction that I can proclaim with deep confidence that you will be presented with First Lutheran’s long-awaited Strategic Ministry Plan this month!.... 

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Newsletter Article, -Email Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article, -Email Karyn Bodenschatz

Message From Pastor Karyn for October

I don’t like waiting much. A little waiting is okay, but more than a little and I start getting antsy. I have begun to wonder about that. When did waiting for anything become so hard? I am old enough that I remember life before computers, microwaves and endless number of channels on the TV. In my childhood waiting was a part of life. Even at amusement parks, waiting in lines was when most of the memories were made as the anticipation of the thrill built and conversations happened and laughter often ensued.

Last Thanksgiving I was visiting a friend who had a French press. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it pre-dates the percolator, the grounds are placed in a container with the hot water and allowed to steep for a certain amount of time before being pressed to the bottom so one can enjoy the wonderfully, tasty complex flavor of the coffee. The French Press is all about waiting. Hurry it along and you get a bad cup of coffee—and we all know how much I love my coffee....

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