First Lutheran Church

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Flat Jesus!

Click on the image above to download and print Flat Jesus!

Say “Hi!” to Flat Jesus! Color Him in, cut Him out, and take Him with you on your travels this summer, both near and far, as a reminder that Christ is with us, everywhere!

Take photos/selfies with Flat Jesus and share them on social! (And for kids who may do this too, just ask your parents/guardians to post on your behalf!)

For adults who may not be in the know… Flat Jesus is inspired by a national school project called Flat Stanley, based on a book written by Jeff Brown. Just as Flat Stanley has helped children with literacy and geography, Flat Jesus helps children stay plugged into the biblical message all year!

When posting on social be sure to use the hashtag #flatjesus #faithalive365 and tag @1stlu to join in the Flat Jesus community! (If you have a private account just know that we will be unable to see your images)