First Lutheran Church

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COVID-19 Message from Pastor Stanton, Mar. 24

Two weeks ago, the staff and leaders of First Lutheran decided to suspend in-person gatherings. This was in keeping with a pandemic protocol we adopted that broke down our response into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1: make changes within gathered worship like not passing the peace.

  • Stage 2: no more gathered worship, but staff are still working from their offices and smaller groups may still meet.

  • Stage 3: Full closure of the building to all non-essential visitors and staff.

Since then, we have cultivated a pretty darn good virtual worship experience that, between Facebook and Youtube saw almost 200 viewing groups this past Sunday. Our small groups have, for the most part, continued through Zoom meetings and Google Classroom.

Last week, we moved into stage 2.5 (it changes every day!) as staff were told to work from home, funerals and weddings were suspended and visitors were limited to couriers and those who had called to make an appointment before coming to the church.

With Governor Evers issuing a “Safer at Home” order, we have now reached stage 3. This is the complete shutdown of the building except for an ‘essential’ staff person to ensure the proper function of the building, which is allowed through the order. This means all items you would hope to pick up from the church will now be mailed to you. “Christ in Our Homes” daily devotions, scrip cards, or anything else can be mailed. Just call Tamara.

There is no stage 4! I guess that’s something to celebrate. But during this time of separation and distance we are working hard to create neighbor to neighbor connections. We hope to identify dozens of connectors who will each call a handful of other families so that everyone has an opportunity to share prayer concerns or needs they have with their connector, their pastor or the whole church. Worship will still happen (online), learning will still happen (online) and prayer will grow (on our knees and all kinds of other postures).

Giving to First has plummeted amidst this crisis, though, so we do have to keep asking for those who can to make a special gift. There are few more important institutions to support right now than your church, whose sole purpose is to make sure the most vulnerable remain connected with everything they need to survive/thrive. And aren’t we all feeling a bit vulnerable right now? Set up automatic giving through our website, mail your offering in or make a one time gift if you’d like. Thank you!