First Lutheran Church

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Family Photos… a cloud of witnesses

All Saint’s Day has long been a day when the church gives thanks for all the saints, the beloved, who have died, especially in the past year. In a typical year, we would be asking for photographs of your beloved dead so that we can be surrounded by their witness on All Saint’s Day, Sunday, Nov. 1. However, this year, since we are not completely sure if we will be able to meet in person on November 1, we are asking that you gather together photos of your beloved dead in preparation for All Saints celebration in your home. More details will be offered in the coming weeks. If your loved one was a member of our congregation and died this past year, you will receive a letter with a special request. 

All Saint’s Day isn’t only about those who have died but also about those who have been newly baptized. If your child was baptized this past year, you also will receive a special request.

Image by Lindy Baker