First Lutheran Church

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Building a Culture of Inclusive Welcome for ALL

On Jan. 7 and 9 several members of First participated in a training sponsored by ReconcilingWorks (RW). ReconcilingWorks is a para-church organization that helps our ELCA congregations live more fully into the vision of being inclusive of ALL people, particularly LGBTQIA+ people. On the same weekend nearly 40 households participated in a Faith Alive! U event on Sunday evening with the executive director of RW, Aubrey Thonvold, to hear more about the congregational process to become a “Reconciling in Christ” or “RiC” Congregation in the ELCA. That designation is specifically for congregations who have done intentional work over a substantial time (6 mos.—2 years on average) to commit themselves to practices that loudly proclaim God’s unapologetic affirmation of people of all gender and sexual identities. For most of the Christian church’s history, LGBTQIA+ people have experienced devastating spiritual and emotional harm from people in Jesus’ name. To become an RiC congregation is to become aware of this history, how it perverts the teachings of Jesus in Scripture, repent of the harm we have done and choose a future that joins in God’s mission to heal, or reconcile, the wounds our ignorance and fear has perpetuated.

The team leading this initiative includes Rhonda Bryhn, Libby Howe, Ann Nelson, Megan Richason, Brian Renkas, Pastor Karyn and Pastor Stanton. Each of us feels called to this work because of people we know and love, relatives and friends who are LGBTQIA+. Not only that, as a group, we want to be part of creating a culture at First that is honest about its own needs to learn and grow, repentant when God shows us a new way and trust that God has more for us than what we have already known and seen. While there is an “end” result to the process that will culminate in a public statement of welcome, the process is more important than the result. We are excited to engage in conversations with you about your hopes and fears related to this work. But first we invite you to prayer: Pray for us and for our congregation as we begin this together. Pray for all those in our world who have not heard an unapologetic message of love, grace and acceptance that is the unique witness of Jesus and his people. Pray that we grow day by day in our relationship with Jesus… to see him more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly. *

Stay tuned to First’s website, worship announcements and social media for more updates and opportunities to engage. And remember, Jesus is with you and loves you ALL the time, No matter what!


Rev. Libby Howe
(Director for Evangelical Mission & Assistant to the Bishop, and member of First Lutheran)

* FUN FACT: you might recognize those words as lyrics of the song “Day by Day” from the 1973 musical Godspell, but did you know they were originally written by a 13th century Englishman, Saint Richard of Chichester (1197–1253)? Cool, huh!