First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Palm Sunday, Mar. 28 2021

INSIDE: Palm Sunday, Easter Flowers, Holy Week Schedule, Easter Sunday

Holy week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday on April 4, starting with Palm Sunday on March 28. Join us for worship every day during Holy Week, either in-person or at!

Holy Week Worship

Join us for worship every day during Holy Week!

NOTE: outdoor services will depend on weather; these services may be subject to change as time draws closer.

The office will close at noon on Friday, April 2, & all day Monday, April 5.

COVID-19 Update

  • Pastors and the COVID Advisory Panel regularly evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:

    • Worship: online & in-person with precautions

    • Education: Peer Ministry and confirmation small groups in-person with limits & precautions, all others online

    • Small groups: online & in-person with precautions

Easter Flowers

Your gift of $15 to the Easter Fund will be used to purchase flowers to beautify the sanctuary and possibly the outdoor altar on Easter Sunday. Any remaining contributions will go toward purchasing new paraments. 
Please complete this form and return it to the office by THIS Sunday, Mar. 28.

Women’s Ministry: Dorcas Circle

The Dorcas Circle is meeting from 1-3:30pm every other Tuesday. Next meeting: Tuesday, Mar. 30, 1:30pm. They are meeting via Zoom, and are reading and discussing the book, Women of Easter, by Liz Curtis Higgs. If you are interested in joining, please contact Katy Wood.

Courageous Men’s Group

The Courageous Men’s Group are men of all ages who meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6am via Zoom for a time of fellowship and study. Contact Chad Schultz or the church office for more info:

Grade 5 Faith Building Block: Communion

  • TENTATIVE: Wednesday, Mar. 31, 4-5pm: child only, baking communion bread in Fellowship Hall kitchen

  • Thursday, Apr. 1: Faith Building Block lifted up during Maundy Thursday worship, 6:30pm

Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. This session lasts for one week, and afterwards, the Faith Building Block will be lifted up in worship in celebration of what the students have learned. Gatherings will meet via Zoom; pastors will send out meeting codes to parents & guardians of youth in each grade before the first meeting.

Sugar Creek Brunch and Egg Hunt

On Saturday, Apr. 3, 9am, meet at Sugar Creek to celebrate our risen Lord with good food and holy play! Cost for activities: $5/child. Brunch: $10/person (children 4 and under eat free). Registration and more info at

Community Supported Agriculture

First Lutheran has, once again, offered to be a pick-up site for CSA boxes of produce from Small Family Farm in La Farge. Though deliveries won’t start until June, you can purchase a share now. For info about products, prices and schedules, go to Prices typically increase April 1.

New Members

By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are typically invited to a social at Red Pines where you would get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. When gathering in such a way is safe, we will celebrate our new members in this way. For now, please let us know if you are interested in membership. One of our pastors will connect with you to find out how we may best be church together in the months and years to come. Call our office for more information at 608.783.2236 or email

Faith Alive! U: Who Are the Hungry?

Executive Director Shelly Fortner from The Hunger Task Force of La Crosse will help us understand the issue of hunger locally, including how Foodshare (SNAP) helps families, and why there is still a need for food pantries. She will also discuss the unique circumstances of the past year. Join in-person in the sanctuary, or via Zoom, on Sunday, Apr. 11 at 6pm. This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults. To join the Zoom meeting go to the event page at

Mabel Anderson Scholarship

Applications are now available. Completed applications are due no later than 3pm on Thursday, April 15. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. The application includes writing an essay and completing a worksheet that reflects the student’s involvement in church activities. Application forms are available at

Sugar Creek Family Getaway Camps

Friday, Apr. 23 through Sunday, Apr. 25, Looking for a weekend family escape? Get-away to Sugar Creek for our Spring Family Camp! Our dynamic staff hosts your family with crafts, hiking, interactive campfires, horseback rides (pony rides for 7 and under), and more! Grow your faith in an uplifting, Christian community with campfire worships at night and Bible study during the day. Put your mind at ease knowing that, as a member of the American Camp Association, we at Sugar Creek hold ourselves to the highest standards in cleaning and safety. Registration and more info at

Sugar Creek Summer Camp 2021

Back in the saddle again! Sugar Creek is excited to be back with world-class summer camp programs for youth this coming summer! As vaccines are delivered nationwide, safety practices are honed, medical knowledge increases, and the camp program and facilities are adapted, the camp is confident in moving forward with plans for summer Bible camp. By the very nature of all their programs at Sugar Creek, the camp is, in many ways, even safer than schools during a pandemic since we keep youth in small groups and run camp activities in the open, fresh, outdoor air. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, youth desperately need real connections in life and in faith. Kids need to be lifted up in ways that only happen in safe, small-group adventures at Bible camp. Leadership, life-long faith, healthy relationships, self-confidence – these are gifts you give your children and grandchildren with time at Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek hopes you will join them for wonderful, safe outdoor adventures in real Christian community. Registration is now open at

Small Groups May Consider Being In-Person

First Lutheran small groups may gather in-person with precautions:

  1. Capacity of gathering spaces will be capped at 25%.

  2. Masks will be expected to be worn at all times, in all places.

  3. There will be no food or beverages at this time.

  4. Distances of 6 feet will be kept between small group participants.

  5. Hugging, handshakes and other physical contact are discouraged.

For full guidelines, see our one-page document: Small Group Expectations During a Pandemic. Small group leaders should do the following:

  1. Connect with Bridget Crave for details.

  2. Connect with Tamara Schonsberg regarding room usage.

  3. Connect with Andy Stutesman regarding promotions.

Keep Up with Changes: Update Your Contact Info

Make sure the office has your current contact info, including current address, mobile number(s), carrier info (for reminders by text), and email(s). Send to