First Lutheran Church

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Message from Kathryn for Aug. 2020

At the beginning of this staying at home for the safety of everyone, I was enjoying baking on the weekends. I work from home during the week and unlike many who have had time to bake and clean out closets during the week, I only have the weekends to do projects. I loved baking cookies and muffins and gave many of them away during the first couple of months, but lately I haven’t and I’ve missed not only the baking but the giving away my goodies to my neighbors.

So, I’ve decided to bake every weekend on Sunday, giving away the treats I make. I’ll have to make a plan and find recipes that will survive the heat of August. I may even want to include a note of thanks for being my neighbor, reminding them to stay safe during this time of uncertainty. The best part will be delivering the goodies, ringing or knocking on the door and walking away quickly to maintain our social distancing, hoping they come to the door so we can say hi to one another. This worked well when the staff delivered a little something to all of our volunteers in the middle of July. If you have volunteered in the past year and we somehow missed you, please let me know by emailing me. I will get a little something to you as soon as I can!

I know sometimes I get so wrapped up in what’s happening in my life, I don’t always look outside myself. This is one way I get out of my comfort zone or my self-absorption to be the hands and feet of God. There’s nothing better than gifting someone, showing them God’s love and reminding them we are all special in God’s eyes. I hope you will join me in welcoming your neighbors with God’s love, giving them words of encouragement and maybe even a little something you have made.