First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, Nov. 8 2020

Inside: Faith Alive! U: The Year of Mark, First Grade Faith Building Block: Ten Commandments, Butter Braid orders due

How has the gospel of Mark changed the world? Attend our next Faith Alive! U THIS Sunday at 6pm when Pastor Stanton surveys the gospel itself while Pastor Karyn describes the ways Mark has shaped the Christian imagination through art, music & more.


  • Join us for worship online this Sunday at 8am & 10:30am, and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at

COVID-19 Update

  • Pastors and the Vision & Leadership team regularly evaluate when and how the church can be open. These are our current recommendations:

    • Worship: online

    • Education: online

    • Small groups: online

  • For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit

First Grade Faith Building Block: Ten Commandments

  • Sunday, Nov. 8: parents/guardians only

  • Sundays, Nov. 15: parents/guardians with children

  • Sundays, Nov. 22: parents/guardians with children

  • Sunday, Nov. 29: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship

Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they have learned. Gatherings will meet via Zoom; pastors will send out meeting codes to parents & guardians of youth in each grade before the first meeting.

Sunday Morning with Coffee Small Group

Sundays 9:15-10:15am via Zoom. We will discuss questions and thoughts from the previous weeks Bible Readers readings. Join us when you can. We will meet virtually via Zoom when we can’t meet in person. Email to get the Zoom link or get help connecting to Zoom. 

Faith Alive! U: The Year of Mark

When Hamilton, the musical, came out, it took the world by storm partly because of how strange it was. It combines history, show tunes and RAP! It’s just different. That’s what the gospel of Mark was like almost 2,000 years ago. There had never been anything quite like it. Good news, grounded in God’s love for everyone… meant to be heard by EVERYONE! Starting with Advent 1 on November 29 and throughout the next year, most Sunday sermons will be rooted in a reading from Mark. What is the message? What is the story? And how has Mark changed the world? Attend our next Faith Alive! U course on Nov. 8 at 6pm when Pastor Jason Stanton surveys the gospel itself while Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz describes the ways Mark has shaped the Christian imagination through art, music and more. It will be 30 minutes of Bible WOW followed by 30 minutes of beauty and expression with a few minutes at the end for questions and comments.This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults. To join the Zoom meeting go to the event page at

Butter Braids Order Deadline This Sunday

The Butter Braid Fundraiser ends THIS SUNDAY, Nov. 8. Members wanting to purchase Butter Braids should try to find a youth member who has set-up a fundraising account; they can send you a link where you can order from them online. If you don’t know of anyone to purchase from but would still like to place an order, please call the church office at 608.783.2236. All orders must be placed and paid for by Nov. 8. Orders will be delivered by the youth you placed the order through on Wednesday, Nov. 18. If you ordered through the church you can pick them up at the church on or after that date. More detailed info at Questions? Contact Pastor Stanton at

Living Well with Dementia

Free, live presentation with Q&A, on Monday, Nov. 9: 3pm Senior Scams presented by Better Business Bureau; 4:45pm Improving Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia through health literacy presented by WI Health Literacy. RSVP by emailing

Drawing from the Well

This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another. We meet on the second Saturday of the month, 9:30–11am via Zoom, with the next one on Saturday, Nov. 14. Contact our Bridget Crave for more info:

Blessing Retail Workers

We invite all retail workers in our area to join us on Sunday, Nov. 15, for worship and a special blessing as they continue to work during the pandemic & prepare for the upcoming demands of the holiday season.

Our OWLs Be Zoomin’

In November, the OWLs (Older Wiser Lutherans, a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+) will continue with their virtual potlucks. The next one will be Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 1pm. They will start with a video on the Christmas season in Norway, followed by a rousing game of TriBond, the fascinating word game they played at their first virtual potluck. Don’t miss the fantastic opportunity to socialize safely. If you are not on the OWLs mailing list and would like to attend please contact Brian Narveson: / 608.526.9700. Also please contact Brian if you need assistance with the technology to join the meeting. You can join the meeting with a basic phone.

Thanksgiving Sunday

On Sunday, Nov. 22, worship will include LOTS of cowbells ringing in celebration as we burn the mortgage! There may or may not be lots of noisemakers, a confetti cannon, and a cake in your own kitchen (that part will be up to you). Join us at 8am or 10:30am at for the BIG event.

Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner

This year’s Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be provided as a take-out on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020, from 11am–2pm at the American Legion. The event will rely on donations and volunteers to prepare take-out boxes and provide delivery to those who are home-bound. Learn more at

Baptismal Preparation

The pastors are considering baptisms on an individual basis. The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Dec. 5, at 10am. To register or ask questions contact the church office at 608.783.3326 /

Christmas Giving Tree

Help make Christmas special for area kids and families by buying NEW items for them. We are again partnering with La Crosse County Human Services, and have a list of people and items they or their social worker have requested. Instead of taking a tag from the tree in the church narthex, please go to, and "take a tag" by signing up for one of the gifts. In order to maintain confidentiality, each recipient is assigned a code. Please purchase the item requested, wrap it, and put a tag on the outside of the gift with the code that is on the SignUp.  Gifts should all be turned in to First Lutheran by Sunday, Dec. 13. Questions? Email

410 Prayers

Join Kathryn for a time of prayer, every Monday–Friday, at 4:10pm. Kathryn is posting prayers on both Facebook and Twitter.

AV Ministry

Our permanent live stream setup is now in place. Two leaders/volunteers are needed at each service on Sundays and Wednesdays: 1) to run projection (as we always have) and 2) to direct the live stream. If you know someone with these gifts, or if you are interested in being a part of this ministry, pass their name or your name to


Pastor Karyn is looking for people who are willing to be our pray-ers. If you are willing to offer up a prayer or let us know a way we can be praying, send me an email to Thanks!