First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, Sept. 6 2020

Inside: Outdoor Worship, Blood Drive, First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek

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  • Join us for worship online this Sunday at 9:15am and on Wednesday at 6:15pm, at

  • Sadly, outdoor worship on Sunday, Sept. 6 at 10:30am is CANCELLED due to forecasted rain. Please join us for worship at 9:15am at!.

COVID-19 Update

  • First continues to evaluate when and how to best re-open. For now, we will continue with our previous recommendations:

    • Worship: online & outdoors this Sunday at 10:30am

    • Education: online

    • Small groups: online

  • For an up-to-date list of online options and cancellations please visit

Outdoor Worship on Sundays at 10:30am

Members are invited to outdoor worship, on Sundays at 10:30am, weather permitting. Bring 1) your own chair, 2) your own mask, and 3) an open heart as we gather six feet apart on 5th Ave (between First and Pertzsch Elementary). There isn't a lot of shade, so consider 4) a wide brim hat and 5) sunscreen. Park in our lot or side streets as usual and it will be obvious where we're meeting. We will commune, hear good music from Todd and Gabe and pray together in person, while staying masked and distanced. Safety remains our top priority! If rain threatens, pastors will notify members Sunday morning, around 7am, if outdoor worship will be cancelled. More info at Questions? Connect with or  

Virtual Sugar Creek 5K Fun Run/Walk

The Sugar Creek Bible Camp Trail Run is going virtual this year! Virtual races happen all the time and allow you to join the fun without the crowds and while still supporting a great local outdoor camping ministry! Run, walk, bike, or hike or your 5k route as a fundraiser for Sugar Creek Bible Camp. We don’t care how you do it, or where your 5k takes place. Print out your digital bib number and run, walk, bike, or hike 3.1 miles anytime between Saturday, Sept. 5 and Sunday, Sept. 13. Fun for the whole family! Post your results with a picture on the Sugar Creek Bible Camp Facebook page with #sugarcreekfunrun #sugarcreekbiblecamp for your chance to win some fabulous gift cards! Sign up at

Blood Drive On Tuesday, Sept. 8

In times of crisis we lift each other up and ensure a safe and caring place for our neighbors. Your neighbors, friends, and loved ones are at an elevated risk during this latest crisis in our nation. The latest virus we are living through is very serious, but more so is the availability of blood. We are a beacon of hope. Ensuring an adequate blood supply to our communities is not only Versiti’s core mission, but it is our commitment to our hospitals, patients and communities in times of crisis. Versiti Blood Centers will be providing a blood drive on Tuesday, Sept. 8, from 12:30–4:30pm. They encourages all donors to make an appointment to lessen the amount of people waiting at the blood drive; you can do so at To learn more about the safety precautions Versiti is taking during this pandemic, visit

Racism and the Coulee Region: A Community Dialogue Series

Many in our community have committed to engaging more deeply in efforts to prevent, combat and learn about racism. Join FSPA for a Zoom video conferencing series of dialogues with local activists, speakers and artists to explore issues related to race and racism. We look forward to open, honest and respectful conversation and sharing of ideas. This series is co-sponsored by the FSPA Office of Mission Integration and the FSC. Dates in this series: September 8, 6-8pm; September 22, 1-3pm. Investment: $7. Register at or 608-791-5295. You will be sent a Zoom link after you register.

Coffee with Pastor Karyn

Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday, currently via Zoom. Questions? Contact

Read the Book of Numbers in 14 days!

Did you know Exodus has a sequel? It’s the book of Numbers! And in it you’ll read the stories of manna from heaven, and following God in the form of a pillar of cloud and fire. Pastor Stanton will be introducing this book to Bible Readers starting Wednesday, Sept. 9. 

Read the Gospel of Luke in 28 days!

The gospels are the story of Jesus, so what is Luke’s take on this story? It is this: the Messiah is good news for ALL people and ALL of creation. Pastor Stanton will be introducing this book to Bible Readers starting Wednesday, Sept. 16. 

These studies are for ANYone who can read, 3rd graders to our eldest friend; members and acquaintances far far away. Use whatever Bible you’d like! Follow Pastor Stanton’s daily guides on Facebook or YouTube, and if you’d like the daily video guides emailed to you contact Pastor Stanton at

Synod School Of Theology

Classes being offered via Zoom, at 6pm on Thursdays: Reformation History led by Pastor Nile Sandeen, Sept. 1–Oct. 15; The Holy Spirit by Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz, Oct. 29–Dec. 10. Register now: / 608.788.5000. More info:

Drawing from the Well

This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another. We meet on the second Saturday of the month, 9:30–11am via Zoom, with the next one on Saturday, Sept. 12. Contact Bridget Crave for more info:

Sugar Creek Annual Quilt and Antique Auction

Quilts and other valuable items will be open for online pre-bids September 5-12 to final sale at in-person, live auction. Visit for e-auction. Live auction on Saturday, Sept. 12. Sugar Creek will be open with a wide variety of craft and rummage items, as well as a silent auction for many, wonderful, themed gift baskets (bids close at 12:30 pm). Enjoy lunch on site: delicious BBQ pork, pies, potato salad, treats, and more! Come enjoy a safe, open-air, beautiful day at camp, or participate online and support Sugar Creek Bible Camp from home! Sugar Creek practices COVID-19 safety protocols: outdoor event, 6+ feet distancing, hand washing and sanitizing, state law regarding masks indoors, food service rules, etc.; to honor and protect our guests. Call 608.734.3113 or email with any questions.

Sunday Worship Changing Back 

Starting Sunday, Sept. 13, worship times will be as follows: first service at 8am live stream only, and second service at 10:30am, both outdoors and live streamed.

First Fest: COVID Edition

This year we won’t be able to gather for First Fest like we have before, but we invite everyone to use First Fest Sunday, Sept. 13, to sign-up for ministries and commit to a new spiritual practice! Just a few possibilities include: Sunday School in a Box, Sunday Morning with Coffee small group, First Lutheran Play Days at Sugar Creek (more info below), Bible Readers and the Virtual Hunger Walk Oct. 4–11. Also, make sure to check out this discussion (detailed below), held on First Fest Sunday and lead by Carla Stanton…

Parenting During Virtual Time

First Lutheran is taking many steps to change the way we serve children and families. We know many people are learning to balance work, childcare, home-based teaching, and parenting, in this whole new world. Let’s make time to be together to focus on how we can intentionally parent during worship, confirmation, Sunday School and make it to the other side of this pandemic having grown in faith! Join Carla Stanton to discuss tips, strategies and building up your resources for raising your children in faith on First Fest Sunday, Sept. 13, Sunday at 9:15am. Stay tuned for more information on the format.

Register for the Sunday School Creation Box! 

This is First Lutheran’s way of handling the pandemic & Sunday School. Do as much as you can including crafts, games, cooking, music, science, devotionals, verse and video! All you need to do is to register during the designated time and then you will pick up your box on the pick up day! Creation Box registration is open Sept. 13–20; register at Box pick up will be Saturday, Sept. 26, with activities running from Sept. 27 through Oct. 25.

Our OWLs Be Zoomin’

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. OWLs: If you are having technical problems viewing worship services or pastors’ morning musings please call volunteer coordinator, Brian Narveson for help: 608.526.9700. For those already connected with a computer, tablet or smart phone, or even just a regular phone, the OWLs are holding “Virtual Potlucks” via Zoom. Zoom is a two way video conferencing system where you can both see and hear the people you are talking with. The next one is Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 1pm. Brian wants the OWLs to know they can participate in these virtual potlucks with just a regular phone. For help with Zoom, feel free to contact Brian: / 608.526.9700.

First Lutheran Play Days @ Sugar Creek, Sept. 18–20

First Lutheran will have Sugar Creek Bible Camp all to ourselves the weekend of Sept. 18–20! All ages and stages are welcome to camp one or two nights, or just come for a day. We’ll use the same precautions that were used at camp all summer so that we can enjoy each other and a beautiful setting while feeling safe and having fun. Creek stomping, disc golf and horse rides by day… camp fires, s’mores and more by night. The weekend concludes with a safe, outdoor worship service Sunday morning. Come for any or all of what may become an annual event! Register online at

Sunday Morning with Coffee Small Group

Sundays 9:15-10:15am starting Sept. 20. We will discuss questions and thoughts from the previous weeks Bible Readers readings. Join us when you can. We will meet virtually via Zoom when we can’t meet in person. Email to get the Zoom link or get help connecting to Zoom.