First Lutheran Church

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Welcome Bags

This month, my oldest daughter, LeAnn, will have two bridal showers given for her. One given by her fiance’s side of the family, and one by her side of the family. I’m almost certain that at one, if not both, each of us in attendance will receive a gift or a small party favor. It’s always fun to receive these small gift bags when attending a party and being excited to see what each one has inside. I remember giving out goody bags at the girl’s birthday parties when they were much younger, and the children loved them. Most of us are still children at heart and love to receive gift bags. 

This is why I love our welcome bags that we can give out to new neighbors. Most people love receiving a little something, and our welcome bags have small gifts inside along with some business cards from around the area. The bags are designed to welcome those new to our area or those just moving across town. Our members can pick up a bag and give them to their new neighbor. Our desire is to be welcoming in a way that isn’t pushy or difficult to give out. We simply ask that when you take a bag, to write down that you took a bag and the street where you will be delivering it. It’s really easy to pick up a bag: write in the folder and take it to your new neighbor. If you are here on a Sunday, I would be glad to help, or Tamara can help you during the work week. 

This is a really easy way to welcome new neighbors and bring them something without worrying about food allergies or going to a store to get them something. We have it all done for you. All you need to do is remember to choose a bag, sign it out and bring it to your new neighbor. We are called to welcome and be pleasing to our neighbors as it says in Romans 15:2, “Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor.” Just think of how much a simple act of bringing a welcome bag to your new neighbor will build them up. I know I really appreciate when someone remembers me with a simple gift or a thank you card. 

I hope and pray that you will bring one of our welcome bags to your new neighbor. You will find the welcome bags in the Resource Center by the church office. The welcome bags are on the lower shelf, and the folder to sign one out is above it. If you have trouble finding them, I or one of the staff at First can help you. If you would like to be a part of our welcome bag team that puts these together, e-mail me at or give me a call at 608.783.2236. Our small group would love the help.