First Lutheran Church

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Welcoming the Savior

After my surgery in November, I felt so welcomed and loved by all those who greeted me the following Sunday. I received hugs and lots of whispered “You’re in our prayers.” It was so nice to be welcomed in such a loving and meaningful way. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the prayers and “you got this, girl” that I heard from so many of my church family.

As we get into this Christmas season, let us take time to reflect on the reason for this wonderful time of year. Let us welcome Jesus into our lives by welcoming those around us. We might be entertaining angels without even knowing it, as it says in Hebrews 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” I hope each of you slows down after worship and says “hi” to someone you may not know by name. If you are brave enough to introduce yourself to someone who’s new to you, ask someone to stay for coffee and then sit with them at a table. These are just a few ways to welcome those around us.

As we begin to think about the coming year, which seems to come so quickly, I would like to invite you all to our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on Jan. 26 at 11:45 am in the fellowship hall. This is a way the staff says thank you to all our volunteers. I hope you will come and enjoy food, games and fellowship on a cold January day. I will have a sign up available at the welcome center the beginning of January.
Thank you for the gifts you share with us and may you have a blessed Christmas.