First Lutheran Church

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Sunday School Update for October 2018

We are off to a fantastic start with 140 students registered!

A couple changes to make note of:

  • For K-5 drop off students in the Sanctuary at 9:15am. Pick up is in the Sanctuary at 10:10-10:15am.

  • We have 3 lessons that are connected to Pastor Karyn’s sabbatical! 1) Biblical Family Tree, 2) Watercolor and 3) Weaving!

  • Finally, 4K is the grade prior to Kindergarten, and Preschool is 2 years prior to Kindergarten and potty trained.  

Ask your child what story they talked about during Sunday School. Ask them who was in the story, who they can relate to, and how does that connect with your highs and lows of the week.

Our lessons for September were Peter’s Faith, Family Tree and Who is the Greatest? Our lessons for October are Share God’s Love, Adam and Eve, Watercolor and A Rich Man’s Questions.