First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, June 11

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Coffee with Pastor Karyn is now reading An Altar in the World, by Barbara Brown Taylor. This group is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday at Uptowne Cafe on the north side of La Crosse. See you there!


On Wednesday, June 14, the OWLs, a group for those 55+, will celebrate their 5th anniversary with a trip to Riverside Park to hear the La Crosse Concert Band, with dinner in town beforehand. RSVP to Brian Narveson at The OWLs’ next potluck will be Wednesday, June 21, at noon in Fellowship Hall.

Understanding the Bethlehem of Today

Thursday, June 15, from 6-8pm, at English Lutheran Church.
“50 Years of Occupation… 50 Years Too Long” is the theme for this evening. Bring friends and church family as an opportunity to better understand the plight of the Palestinian people in today’s Bethlehem. People of ALL faiths are welcome!

Brewers Baseball

Take me out to the ball game! Leaving the English Lutheran parking lot at 9am on Saturday, June 17, and return after the game. Cost is $50/person and includes motor coach bus, snacks and refreshments on the bus, food and fun at the tailgate party in the parking lot, and a bonding experience with others from the synod! Contact Jennifer to sign up:
 608.784.9335 /

Explorer Day Camp!

Who: Children entering grades 1-5. What: Day Camp! Where: Sugar Creek. When: Wednesday, July 12, 7:30am-4:15pm. Why: Experience a day at Sugar Creek (a parent is welcome/preferred). How: Carpool/van/bus from First Lutheran! Additional info: Wear tennis shoes and bring a swim suit and towel. Snacks, lunch and water are provided! Cost: $20. For more info & to RSVP, contact Beth Miller: 414.856.5145 /

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

Come and enjoy a fun-filled time on Sunday, July 16, from noon-2pm, at Rowe Park. We will have fiesta-type food, a piñata for kids and games for anyone young at heart. Of course, the water balloon fight at the end is always a big hit! Sign up at the Welcome Center, on Facebook, on Signupgenius, or by calling the church at 608.783.2236. We hope all can join us and “Get Your Fiesta On!!!”

Sugar Creek Bus Trips

Adult Bus Trips: 

  • Aug. 23rd Fireside Dinner Theatre: “Church Basement Ladies” 
  • Oct. 1-7 Washington, D.C., and Gettysburg Tour
  • Nov. 26-Dec 2 Nashville Christmas Tour
  • Nov. 21 Fireside Dinner Theatre: “Miracle on 34th St.”

Helping Hands

If you need help with small jobs around the house, such as changing batteries in a smoke detector or changing a light bulb, or if you need a couple of meals delivered to your house because of a medical condition or some groceries, just go to the “Helping Hands” board by the nursery and make out a slip with a description of what you need help with and your telephone number. Then anyone who thinks they can help out can take the slip and call the number to work out the details. This ministry is open to all in need of help and to those who can provide the help. There is no set group of “helpers” so we need involvement from all who can be a blessing to someone else. Let’s pray this ministry will be a shining example of “God’s work, our hands!”

KAYWOS Clothes Available for Sale

KAYWOS cloths —“Klean Anything WithOut Streaks” — are available for sale from the church office during office hours, Mon.-Fri, 8am-4pm. Proceeds help with purchases not covered by the budget.

Stephen Ministry

If you know of someone who needs a caregiver, please speak with Pastor Karyn, or call the church office.

Welcome Center

Whether you’re new to First Lutheran or a member here, our Welcome Center near the front entrance is the place to ask questions and request information. A friendly face is always waiting to help you.

Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon notes are available from ushers during worship; they are also available online, along with the sermon audio, at Sermon notes are meant to be used… 

  • During worship to write down things you hear that surprise, shock, or otherwise strike a chord with you. 
  • At home, to think about what you heard during the sermon and what it means to you, in your life, right now. 
  • In small groups, to share your thoughts and to listen to others talk about how they heard the sermon and were moved by it.