First Lutheran Church

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OWLs Post for April 2017

The OWLs had a fun March. The Route 66 show in West Salem took us on a musical journey down the famous highway. Our potluck featured tremendous food and a travel presentation “Norway in a Nutshell”. Both provided a pleasant respite from the March cold. For April we will focus on the Easter season.

We will begin April with a visit to our local religious site, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It has been several years since the OWLs visited and many members have requested we return. The Shrine has beautiful buildings and art, which provide a wonderful place to contemplate the events of Holy Week. We will travel to the Shrine on Thursday, April 13, (Maundy Thursday). Departure from the church is 10:30 AM. Let me know if you would like to meet us at the Shrine at 11:00 AM. Our visit will start with a video explaining how the Shrine came to be and the purpose it fulfills today. That will be followed by a delicious lunch in the Culina Mariana Café. They feature great food (especially the cakes) and views of the bluffs. Lunch is on your own, but please bring cash or a check as we have to put lunch on a single bill. After lunch, we will tour the grounds, Mother of Good Council Chapel and the church. If you have never been, you will find the architecture and art breath taking. If you have been before, a visit is always uplifting. Golf carts will be provided for those who do not wish to walk up the hill. They will handle getting walkers on and off the cart, and seating will be provided during the tour of the chapel and church. Everything is handicap accessible. We should be back at the church by 3:30 so there is time for a nap before church that evening. A reservation is necessary at the café so please notify Brian Narveson at or call 608-526-9700 by Tuesday night, April 11, if you plan to attend.

The Wednesday after Easter (April 19) we will gather for our potluck at noon in the narthex. In the spirit of a festive holiday, our program will be Easter games. Come prepared for fun, laughter and some good-spirited competition. Bring your favorite dish to pass and any leftover Easter sweets to share. Looking forward to seeing everyone in April.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at