First Lutheran Church

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OWLs Post for March 2017

February was a fun month for the OWLs.  Or potluck provided many culinary delights and our personal stories about angels were very uplifting.  Artie Van Riper shared her beautiful collection of Angel pins.  Our outing to the UWL Theatre which included a trip the new Farm to Table restaurant “The Mint” was an evening to remember.

But if you thought February was great, then hold onto to your seat for March. We begin by traveling to the Heider Center in West Salem for a trip down that famous highway Route 66. “Route 66” is a musical group that will give us a pedal-to-the-metal journey down memory lane. It will be the road trip of a lifetime filled with solid harmonies, dazzling quick-changes , flashy dance numbers and hilarious comedy. If you are ready to “Get your kicks on Route 66” meet at the church at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 8th. I know it’s a bit unusual to plan an outing on Wednesday night during Lent, but they are here only one night and we can all go to the mid-day service. Tickets will have to be bought ahead of time; please call or email Brian Narveson (608-526-9700 or by Thursday, March 2 if you want join the fun. Tickets for the concert are $22 for seniors. You can pay Brian the day of the performance. We will have dinner in one of West Salem’s fine establishments before the show. Dinner is on your own. We will continue the theme of traveling at our March potluck on Wednesday, March 15.

For our program, Brian and Mary Narveson will share pictures and stories from their trip last summer to Norway. If you have already been to Norway, come relive the memories. If you have not, come enjoy the sights of Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. See images of the festival around St. Olaf’s day at Norway’s largest and oldest Cathedral “Nidaros.” March’s potluck is during Lent and we will once again provide lunch for the mid-day worshipers. To accommodate them we will begin serving lunch at 11:45 instead of the usual noon. Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early, with a little extra food to meet the needs of a larger group. After lunch we will convene in Fellowship Hall for the program. Looking forward to seeing everyone in March. The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at