First Lutheran Church

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Radiating Warmth

One of my favorite things about winter is having a cup of hot chocolate in a large mug I can wrap my hands around. Sitting by the window watching it snow with the mug radiating warmth and me curled up under a blanket is so calming and relaxing. It would be great if everyone who comes into our church would feel that way. A warm place to be, someplace where everyone is welcomed. We all can make this happen if each one of us does our part.

The simplest way to make each other feel welcomed is to greet one another with a smile and saying hello. When we engage each other in conversation, we begin to care for one another, and we can become like Christ to them. We may find that they are new to our church and would love to find out more about what we have to offer. That would be a good time to take them to the welcome center and have them meet the welcome center staff who can answer their questions. If you find anyone, even a member who has a question about church, take them to the welcome center as well. The welcome center will be the best place to find out what’s going on in church or answer question people may have. When we become interested in those around us, we then radiate the love of Christ to them, making our church a warm and welcoming place to be.

Making this place warm and welcoming will take time and effort. Soon we will need greeters to welcome everyone. This is one of the easiest positions to do. Smiling and shaking hands, helping people find where they need to be is so helpful to those new or maybe not so new. We are called to be welcoming as Romans 15:7 says, “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcome you, for the glory of God.” All one has to do is simply smile, shake hands and welcome others into our church, and we bring glory to God for this simple act. This will make such a difference in the lives we touch as people make their way into our church. Helping people feel welcomed at church and radiating God’s love is what we are called to do, like a mug of hot chocolate.

If you would like to be that warm mug of hot chocolate to someone, be a part of our hospitality action team, as a greeter or to staff the welcome center. Give me a call at church 608-783-2236 or e-mail me at so I can get you started.