First Lutheran Church

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OWLs Post for August 2016

The OWLs took the month of July off but finished June with a picnic and rousing game of Kubb at the Narveson’ s. Kubb is a fun Scandinavian lawn game of opposing teams throwing sticks to knock the opposing team’s pieces down. Very basic, but much harder than you think. 

August will begin with our monthly potluck on Wednesday, August 10 at noon in the narthex. This is one week earlier than usual, so please mark your calendars. One of the real joys of OWLs is getting to know each other better. We have found that telling stories about ourselves is a great way to do that. In August, we will once again be the program. Let’s go back to our 20s and talk about a significant event that influenced our lives. Bring a photo of yourself to share with the group. The story can be about almost anything. How you met your spouse, how you knew they were the right one, did you ever have doubts. If matrimony was not part of your 20s (or you really don’t want to talk about it), then getting a special job, a special event during college, your favorite place to go dancing, a first apartment or house. If it’s a fond memory for you, we invite you to share. Each person will have five minutes to share their story and pass their photo around. The photo does not have to be about the event, just something from your 20s.

For our August outing, we will maintain our tradition of attending the Commonweal Theatre in Lanesboro, Minnesota. We will enjoy a beautiful ride along the Root River, dinner in Lanesboro and some fantastic theater at the Commonweal. Due to conflicts, the originally announced date of Sunday, August 28 has changed to Monday, August 29. After a delicious dinner at a local establishment we will see the play “Souvenir”. According to the Time Out website, “Souvenir” is “a memorable illustration of the purely theatrical magic that can turn the tinniest ear to gold.” Soon to be a movie starring Meryl Streep, this charming and hilarious musical comedy reminds us that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. We will leave the church at 4 PM on Monday, August 29. Cost of the play is $35, ($30 if we get 15 or more) and dinner is on your own. Please email or call Brian Narveson at (608-526-9700) by Friday, August 26 if you plan to attend. You can pay Brian for the tickets the night of the outing.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in August. If you have not been to OWLs before, this is great month to come join the group.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at