First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, July 31

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Special collection for world hunger

There will be a special collection during worship on Sunday, July 31, and on Wednesday, Aug. 3, for ELCA World Hunger. Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty worldwide.

Little LEAPs

This group is for children ages birth to 3 years old and their parents/guardians. We meet the last Sunday of the month, at 9:15am in room 102. We sing, dance, play, and pray together to learn ways to raise our little Christians in the home. We have time with the kids and time with just the adults. During the adult time, we have volunteers come in and play with our children as we talk. We welcome newcomers all the time — join us today, July 31

Baptismal preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, August 6, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions, contact the church office: 608.783.2236 /

Sunshine Boys

The Sunshine Boys serve at First on the first Thursday of each month; the next meeting will be Thursday, August 4, at 9am. The Sunshine Boys are an informal group that performs a variety of tasks around the church, such as grounds clean-up and minor repairs. Rolls and coffee are supplied, and there are no dues! Contact Mike, our custodian, with any questions:

Needed: Cookies!

We need chocolate chip cookies and brownies (no nuts, please) for Vacation Bible School dinners next week. VBS runs from Sunday, August 7, through Thursday, August 11. Questions? Contact Mary Ann Redfearn at 608.386.1282 or the church office.

Faith Alive Creative Circle

Exercising our creative muscles and gathering with other people have all sorts of health benefits and are good for individuals and communities, so we are bringing back the “sewing circle” — with a modern twist. The Faith Alive Creative Circle is an opportunity for people to work out using their creative muscles. Enjoy the fellowship of others while working on whatever project you choose to bring with you. From time to time, we will work on a shared project so that we can learn new things from each other. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month from 6-9pm in the Fellowship Hall; join us on August 15!

Sugar Creek Golf Tournament Fundraiser

Saturday, August 27, 1–6pm. Drugan’s Castle Mound Country Club in Holmen. For more info about this fundraiser contact Sugar Creek directly: 608.734.3113 /

Thank you, blood donors

Thank you to the donors and volunteers who participated in the summer blood drive on July 12. There were 42 registered donors. The next blood drive will be Tuesday, Nov. 8. By participating, you truly do more good than you know.

Confirmation Guides

We are on the search for faithful adults who are willing to spend an hour each week with our confirmation youth. You don’t need to know the Bible backwards and forwards, and you don’t need a seminary degree! All you need is a heart for the youth of our church! Please prayerfully consider this opportunity and contact Tina for more information!

Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon notes are available from ushers during worship; they are also available online, along with the sermon audio, at Sermon notes are meant to be used… 

  • During worship to write down things you hear that surprise, shock, or otherwise strike a chord with you. 
  • At home, to think about what you heard during the sermon and what it means to you, in your life, right now. 
  • In small groups, to share your thoughts and to listen to others talk about how they heard the sermon and were moved by it.

Provide a Chair at the Table

All year we have been talking about how God shows up when we Come to the Table. We installed a new floor in the Fellowship Hall, and we need new chairs to safely rest upon it. We have received $4,000 and need $2,300 to compete the order. Please consider making a special gift to the Fellowship Hall Fund; gifts of all amounts are welcome. Thank you for providing a “Chair at the Table.”

SERVE @ Worship

It takes the church community to help with all the different aspects of worship — making certain worship is welcoming and runs smoothly. TODAY is the best day to sign up for August, so that we have time to prepare our worship calendar and create reminders. Adults and youth are welcome and can serve in many ways:

  • Acolytes
  • Coffee servers
  • Communion servers
  • Nursery helpers
  • Ushers
  • Treat providers

Sign up right now on your device at or use the tablet at the Welcome Center, and see Kathryn Pedretti, our Director of Servant Ministries, with any questions.

To learn more about these and other announcements, head to our website at

Share your Faith Alive! experience and tag your posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with #faithaliveinOna.