First Lutheran Church

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Announcement for Sunday, May 1

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First Lutheran welcomes all people to participate in Christ’s mission through our ministries, worship and programs, whether you are a member or not. Membership does, however, benefit our congregation. The next new-member session is Sunday, May 1, with new-member Sunday on May 8. The session begins at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Prayer Walk Week

The week of May 1–7 families, friends, small groups, confirmation small groups and Sunday school classes have the opportunity to pray for neighborhoods, schools, playgrounds, businesses and our whole community. Make this a special time with family and friends. We encourage you to join us in our prayer walk and watch the power of God work in our community. Sign up at

Sunday School Update

  • Sunday, May 1
    • 9:15am 4 Yr Old Faith Building Block: The Keys (2nd meeting, parents and children)
    • 9:15am Sunday School
  • Sunday, May 8
    • 9:15am 4 Yr Old Faith Building Block: The Keys (3rd meeting, parents and children)
    • 9:15am Sunday School

New registrations welcome any time of the year. Contact Sunday school superintendents Sheri Betz and Tawni O’Rourke at or stop in the Sunday school office in room 206. 

Church Women United: May Friendship Day

May 6, 9:30–11am, at First Congregational Church, 2503 Main St, Onalaska. $5 brunch. RSVP to Mary by May 2: 608.782.7013. Least coin offering.

Provide a Chair at the Table!  

All year we have been talking about how God shows up when we Come to the Table. As we renovate the Fellowship Hall, where milestones, meals and more happen, we need new chairs to safely rest upon our new floor. Please consider making a special gift to the Fellowship Hall Fund. A quality banquet chair costs about $75, but gifts of all sizes are, of course, welcome. Thank you for providing a “Chair at the Table.”

Nursery Attendant

First Lutheran Church, Onalaska, is seeking a part-time nursery attendant for kids younger than 5. Times might include Sunday mornings, but would mostly be for occasional evenings. Call 608.783.2236 for more information. 

LWR Thanks!

Together during Lent we collected enough towels, combs, toothbrushes and more to create 400 health kits! A big thanks to Merrill & Judy Wachter for delivering the boxes of kits to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse in the Twin Cities!

Clothes Closet

With the changing seasons, the First Teen Clothes Closet is getting ready for summer. We welcome donations of shorts, short-sleeved shirts, sandals, and swimwear; there is also still a need for boys’ jeans, particularly in the 32x34 and 32x36 sizes, and for girls’ leggings. Please hold on to your winter items until the fall, as we have limited space for storing out of season clothing. Watch for new social media accounts specifically for the Clothes Closet, then share them with your network!

Welcome Baskets

The Welcome Basket Team is looking for your help. We would like to include in our baskets items from our congregation. We would also like to include area business coupons, business cards or other small promotional items. If you have a business you would like to promote in our Welcome Basket or an item you would like to donate, please let Kathryn know. For more information, call 608.783.2236 or e-mail at

Synod Assembly Help

The synod is in need of volunteers for the 2016 Assembly from June 10–12, held at Luther College in Iowa. Volunteers play an important role in making the Assembly run smoothly starting with registration on Friday evening and throughout the weekend. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Volunteers receive free room and board at Luther, and have the opportunity to meet members and clergy from other ELCA congregations in our synod, participate in Word and prayer throughout the three days and know the satisfaction of helping the mission of our church. To volunteer or to learn more contact Betty Sacia at 608.526.3506 or

Also, the assembly Worship Team is looking for trumpet and trombone players who could assist with worship music at the assembly. Contact Pr. Wendy Ruetten at

Young Youth Trip to Wisconsin Dells

On Tuesday, June 14, 9am–7pm, the Young Youth will go to Noah’s Ark in Wisconsin Dells. Though this is a youth event, it will be more like a family outing. If you’re coming, RSVP to Youths who want to come but don’t have an adult family member to accompany them may contact 

Young Youth Explorer Day

On Tuesday, July 12, the Young Youth will go to Sugar Creek for a one-day adventure. There will be games, nature time, crafts, swimming, a pony ride, Bible study and singing. The cost of $20 per camper includes lunch and a snack. We will meet at the church at 7:40am and return between 4:30pm and 5pm. RSVP to

VBS: Mark your calendars! 

Plan to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer, August 7-11. We need teachers and helpers to make it a success. Please consider being a part of the fun. If you are interested in helping, email Becky Runde at or call 507.259.0295. 

Registration Now Open for Summer Camp at Sugar Creek!

Sugar Creek Bible Camp...

  • Strengthens faith in Christ
  • Develops critical thinking skills
  • Encourages face-to-face interaction
  • Allows “screen free” time in God’s creation 
  • Empowers young people for service 
  • Now is the time to register, before your desired week fills up. Popular programs fill up fast! Register today to reserve your spot!

Your child or grandchild can have an amazing new experience this summer with the caring staff and beautiful creation of Sugar Creek! Making certain members can attend camp is a priority for us at First, and financial assistance is available; simply speak with a pastor.

Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon notes are available from ushers during worship; they are also available online, along with the sermon audio, at Sermon notes are meant to be used… 

  • During worship to write down things you hear that surprise, shock, or otherwise strike a chord with you. 
  • At home, to think about what you heard during the sermon and what it means to you, in your life, right now. 
  • In small groups, to share your thoughts and to listen to others talk about how they heard the sermon and were moved by it.

To learn more about these and other announcements, head to our website at

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