First Lutheran Church

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Community Outreach Action Team

Plentiful research states that thriving Christian congregations have a variety of robust opportunities for community service. When the congregation created the strategic plan in 2015, the growth of our community service efforts was named as a primary initiative.

As we follow through on our strategic plan, a new team has formed at First that we hope will direct the community service energies of the whole congregation. It is called the Community Outreach Action Team (COAT). Ten people have thus far gathered monthly to consider what we already do and how to grow into other needs of our community in the future. In January, a handful of the COAT will be attending a two day community organizing event that will equip them to do their work. The COAT will also be asking you to help clarify our church’s mission. What are our community’s greatest needs? How would you possibly engage? What are your passions? What do you already do? Look for a short & sweet survey that will guide the community outreach efforts of First for years to come. It is an essential part of how we respond together to the grace and love of God!