First Lutheran Church

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First Teen Clothes Closet Update for September 2015

Many people may think of the clothes closet as blessing its clients simply through giving them needed clothing. But our hosts have also seen clients blessed by being able to give back. One such client, a 20-year-old woman, visited the closet in search of black pants and a black shirt. Caught in a catch-22, she was starting a new job in which that wardrobe was required, but until she had worked and gotten a paycheck, she couldn’t afford the new clothes. While we were able to bless her with the simple things she needed to start her new job, she in turn blessed the clothes closet by donating other items of clothing from her wardrobe and offering to use some of her new income to purchase undergarments for the closet.

Many of our clients desire the blessing of giving much more than they want to be on the receiving end. This ministry allows them to experience both.

Later this month, youth and adult volunteers will be needed to assist in switching inventory from summer to winter clothing. Youth can sign up with Tina for shifts after the 10:30 service on Sept. 27, Oct. 4 or Oct. 11. Adults are welcome to contact Lori Lunney or Sara Larkin if they are available to assist on those days.

As always, the clothes closet welcomes cash donations to be used for purchasing toiletries and undergarments. Other special needs this month include: teen pajamas in all sizes and boys’ jeans in 32 waist/34 length. If you are interested in volunteering with the clothes closet as an appointment host, shopper or inventory assistant, please contact the church office.

First Teen Clothes Closet team,

Lori Lunney
Shari Hegland
Bridget Crave
Sara Larkin
Tina Nelson