First Lutheran Church

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Thanks to God

During last year’s volunteer picnic, the hamburger patties and chicken were cooking on the grill, root beer floats were being served up by our own Pastor Karyn, and everyone was enjoying fellowship with one another. It was a perfect day to grill out and come together to show our thanks for all the hard work our congregation does throughout the year. This annual event is the staff’s way to say thank you for all the help we receive. We rely on so many people to help the ongoing ministries happen, and everyone’s help in needed in small and big ways to keep Faith Alive here at First.

I cannot thank God enough for all that our members do to help out, whether it is behind the scenes, in the kitchen, at home baking bread or in front, helping the pastors with communion or in the praise band. God is so good, He puts the desire to help out in our hearts, and you respond to the need. I, therefore, give thanks to God and to all who help out. I Corinthians 1:4 says, “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus.” God’s grace is continuous and never ending, and I see that almost every week, as he provides the people to help out. I am looking forward to what God has in store for us in the coming months as we begin implementing more of the strategic plan. Seeing God’s grace abound in each person as they find a place to serve and grow in knowledge of God will be exciting to see.

This year, the volunteer appreciation picnic is taking place on August 16 at Rowe park, shelter #1. We will have a fun time eating, talking and playing games. If you have helped out at any time during the past year, please plan on attending. A sign-up sheet is on the Connecting Point table so that we know how many to cook for. Bring your lawn chairs to watch the games; we will have some fun with water balloons and sponges. Bring your appetite for some good food and a dessert made by Laura Liudahl. I hope and pray that it will be a wonderful sunny day for all to enjoy. If you have any question, please let me know. Hope to see you there.