First Lutheran Church

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Called to Freedom

The fourth of July is a fun family holiday, The kids get to play with fire, worried parents get to watch and almost everyone loves the fireworks display of brilliant colors. People are wearing red, white and blue, having family picnics and going early to get their favorite spot to watch the fireworks. We have a wonderful way to celebrate our freedom.

As Christians we are not only free to live, we are also called to serve one another. That freedom to serve and love others will be different for each person,but each is called to use their gifts given by God for helping those around them. God equips each of us for serving others, so let us not use our freedom for self-indulgence , as Galatians 5:13 says,”For you were called to freedom, bothers and sisters, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another.” Just think, what would our church look like if everyone became slaves to one another. Everyone would joyfully volunteer so every Sunday has all the help needed for worship and Sunday school. Someone would help those in need, not only our members and those within our community and the world would be helped with the over abundance of our willingness to serve one another. How content each person will be, giving of themselves, just as Jesus gave of himself. Each one of us would see Jesus in each other and our community would witness Jesus in us as well.

God equips us to serve, so let us not just sit and do nothing, let’s get up and help where ever help is needed. We can trust that God will equip us, as he has promised, when the time comes for us to help. God equips us as we train each other in the tasks that need to be done; that may happen in formal training, one on one, or just following the example of others.

We are free. Lets use this freedom to serve those around us. Use every opportunity to serve, don’t expect that someone else will do it. You are free to serve, so serve every chance you can. Be free to serve here at church, in your home, workplace and community and wherever God places you. If you need help to find places to use your freedom to serve, I will be glad to help; see me anytime on Sunday or Wednesday, or give me a call at church or e-mail me at GO BE FREE TO SERVE!