First Lutheran Church

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Sunday School Update for October

Well we are off to a great year of Sunday school! Thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm! We are excited to begin our adventure as we walk through Service this year!

We have an awesome group of teachers and helpers and have had a tremendous turn out of students! The beginning of each year is always a bit of controlled chaos as we find out how many children each class has, meet new faces, and do our best to arrange class groups and locations. Please be patient with us as we settle in, and by all means feel free to ask questions, give feedback, or offer suggestions at anytime through out the year (see below for contact info).

If you have not gotten a chance to register for Sunday school, come anyway!
We will show you where to go. Then when you get a chance, just e-mail, or stop by the church office to register.

October Sunday School Calendar:

  • Sunday September 28th: 3rd grade Stepping Stones
  • Sunday October 5th: 3rd grade Stepping Stones
  • Sunday October 12th: 3rd grade Stepping Stones in worship
  • Sunday October 19th: K, 1, and 2 sing at 10:30 worship

Other “good to know” dates for the fall Sunday school semester:

  • Sunday November 30th, Thankful Sunday: extended opening followed by packaging of food drive collections during Sunday school.
  • Wednesday December 17th, Christmas Program during 6:30pm worship: followed by treats and fellowship in the Narthex afterwards!
  • Sunday December 28th, Birthday Party for Jesus: All ages welcome to a birthday party for Jesus event in the Fellowship Hall in place of regular Sunday school class.

If you have questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding Sunday school, please e-mail anytime, or find Tawni O’Rourke or Sheri Betz on any Sunday in the Sunday school office. You can also call Sheri at 608.783.4994 or Tawni at 608.788.8037 anytime.